Well, 47" actually according to their literature online....but it is my gripe too. Both the Rayco and Carlton trac machines are barely over 7' long, that's really short and maneuverable. My 252 is almost 9' long. I'd take another 6-8" in length and extend the cutting boom to get a greater swing arc, 55" or so would be great in a compact machine, but I'm no engineer.
I see the Carlton track sytem looks more like other skid steers in design, Rayco has the one large drive wheel up high in the center. I wonder what the differences are, if any?
I think the sales guy said the machine shown on the PDF is about $24K. They will be offering remotes on them shortly, but will add probably another 4-6K, then the diesel engines are probably about that much more. Probably 35K for a decked out machine. Pushing the price of a good used SC60TX, which is a pretty short machine too. All of 'em out of my league for awhile I think.