New felling dawgs for my ms661 need info.

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Richard brown

New Member
Apr 12, 2017
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Hey everyone so I have a stihl ms661 that I love and have been doing a fair amount of felling lately. My only issue is that I Hate the factory dogs, they don't bite like I'd like and I think there a tad small. My question is does anyone know of a company that makes large high quality felling dawgs to fit my ms661? Thanks.
Any stihl saw shop should be able to order them in in a few days. They will be thicker than AM. Stay away from bailies (pro saftey) they are not longer than regular twin felling dogs but they drop lower which changes the dynamics. It's easy to clutch out in grabby small trees easier than big ones when starting angled cuts.
I like these in the link. Thinner than stihl oversize 5 point by the looks. I snapped a pro saftey one just from vibrations.
You can get yours extended too. You just need to extend the bottom spike. I may start doing that and get rid of the deep pro saftey dogs.
This is the style you want...
Any stihl saw shop should be able to order them in in a few days. They will be thicker than AM. Stay away from bailies (pro saftey) they are not longer than regular twin felling dogs but they drop lower which changes the dynamics. It's easy to clutch out in graddy small trees easier than big ones when starting angled cuts.
I like these in the link. Thinner than stihl oversize 5 point by the looks. I snapped a pro saftey one just from vibrations.
You can get yours extended too. You just need to extend the bottom spike. I may start doing that and get rid of the deep pro saftey dogs.
This is the style you want...

I don't know where Bryan got my sets, but they are far better than Stock or those no-fitting Bailey's.
I don't know where Bryan got my sets, but they are far better than Stock or those no-fitting Bailey's.
?? IDK but all the husquavarna "Westcoasters" seen to drop low.
You can't find longer one that come straight out like the PILTZ.
Look at Bailey's PRO Saftey brand for ms661. Look at the bottom mount hole and the hole for the chain catcher on their Westcoasters and compare them to the falling dogs on same page. You can see they are lower unlike the PILTZ.
Nate made those off measurements i sent him ,i think 440/660 dogs fit the 661

Jamie ,the 4 point pro safety's i have do not hang low ,the 5 points they sell i don't care for they do hang way below the saw.


You might as well go another route.

Anybody got any 346 Dawgs?
Nate made those off measurements i sent him ,i think 440/660 dogs fit the 661

Jamie ,the 4 point pro safety's i have do not hang low ,the 5 points they sell i don't care for they do hang way below the saw.
right Brian. It looks like the 064, 066/660 & 661 are all the same so I'm pretty sure Stihl has them. He may have to order for them for as he is ordering for a 660. Basically say it's for a 660.

For sure the pro saftey 4 point are as good as factory. A builder a know would buy them by the buckets as he would always end up with all the Asplundh 365 slashing saws and many others. You could get the 362- 390xp falling dogs for $9.95 for the longest time. The bottom of the 5 point would vibrate at WOT and make a harmomic pitch, to the point where it actually snaped. Rough all around.
Anyone got husqvarna nuts & bolts anyone? Lol
That's 'one trick pony' builds without a non rev coil. Thats not my proplem anymore. Me got Balanced saws:)

I was working with this guy that made bull bucker in four years. He must be really smart:reading:
He clutches out about three times every time he tries to cut using the low hanging westcoasters from the corner when in the little Hemlock (9"-15" range ,round chisel 390xp) using a Swanson cut at about 50° *slaps forehead*
Even with a Humboldt at .5:1 ratio (6/12 pitch) it's going to happen a lot. They are a pain with those dogs but you need a pretty good hook for everything else. Some of us learn to work around it. Like...Best is to set your angle from the center front and start free hand and once you get in a few inches then set your dogs on the fly or you can make a pie cut taking a 3/12 pitch out of the stump and same out of the trunk. There's a journeyman tip..
440 is the same as the 660/661. 460 and 461 are different on one and the same on the other. I want to try a 3 point set of pro safety where the middle is longest. I seen some from Canada but man they're pricey. I can't remember the name of them but they're a bit bigger than oem west coast 661 spikes.
044,440,441,064,066,650,660 ,661 all share the same inner and outer dogs,the 460 and 461 share the same inners as list above,the 460 has its own outer ,and the 461 is similar to the 460 outer just longer to line up with the its outer is 461 only. The list above will bolt to 026,260,034,036,360,361 also but the saw will mot sit flat on the ground as they are too big for those saws.not sure on the 362 fit as i have never owned one.
044,440,441,064,066,650,660 ,661 all share the same inner and outer dogs,the 460 and 461 share the same inners as list above,the 460 has its own outer ,and the 461 is similar to the 460 outer just longer to line up with the its outer is 461 only. The list above will bolt to 026,260,034,036,360,361 also but the saw will mot sit flat on the ground as they are too big for those saws.not sure on the 362 fit as i have never owned one.

I took a picture of this for Future Reference as I will not remember all this.
Here is the common 044-066 4 points pro safety or like Nate makes looks like .Can see they do not hang low like the 5 points they sell ,sit the same height as oem ones ,but way stiffer than oem so do not bend over like stock ones do .KIMG1568.JPG

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