New Gecko's

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Old enough to know better.
. AS Supporting Member.
Feb 26, 2008
Reaction score
Right in the middle, USA
I finally got to use the beautiful Gecko spurs (climbers) that I bought last fall. The puny little tree I was removing only had me climbing 25' up, with no roping, and it was very thin and spindly. I expected to take only 10 minutes.

It did not turn out too well at all. I wished that I had thrown a line into the tree and left the spurs on the ground. There were enough little branches to do the whole thing without spurs, but I was anxious to try them out, so I stripped the branches going up.

1. I have gone badly into "out of climbing condition". NOTHING to do all winter.
2. I goofed up, and didn't put on my work boots, figuring that I could see how well the new style straps hold onto shoes with no heels. (NOT well at all)
3. The wide reach of the "american" spurs is considerably more problem than I anticipated. There is a much greater side-thrust on my feet than I have ever experienced. With over 20 years of occasional climbing (I have never been full time at this), my ankles have never bothered me before today.

These spurs felt great on the ground, but my weak ankles simply couldn't stand the side thrust applied by the extra wide spur. I was barely able to finish the tree, as my feet felt like they were being ripped off sideways at the ankle by the spurs.

My plan now: get in some more time spiking (with the right footwear) on some helpless tree that richly deserves it, strengthen my ankles, and see if it is the new spurs or my tired old body that is causing the problem. Loosing about 20lbs will be a big help, too.

Pro's: The Velcro calf-straps are so comfortable I never noticed the pressure on my shins at all. Not even slightly! The unbelievably sharp spurs never offered to kick out and did not require any kick to set them, although I did chop up the tree pretty badly while I was going up and down.

There may be a fire sale in a month or two on some brand new Gecko's.
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Give ya a hundred bucks for them there Gecko climbers and you can put that toward a bucket truck, you really don't want to climb anymore, do ya? OK, how bout $125?
I just got my brand new set from sherrill today. I will get to use them on a hickory removal tomorrow...I hope I like them because they were not cheap.
the gaffs on geckos are replaceable with 2 bolts in each, i have one set of geckos and just swap the gaffs if the bark of the tree is going to be a issue with the short gaffs. once you go to pole style gaffs you will love them.
I would try them with some real boots before you go swaping out the gaffs.

I never leave the ground without my redwings personally.

I have never tried any pole gaffs, so I cant comment there.

Good luck. Thats an expensive purchase to unhappy with.
I tried the gecko's with good boots last week. MUCH better. They were very light, and stayed right where I strapped them on. Stomping on the tree to set the gaff was completely unnecessary. They were almost as easy as climbing a ladder. I had no concerns about kicking out.

4 hours later, my feet were getting awful sore (I am badly out of condition), and I had the length set just a pinch long, so they were starting to rub me wrong. They still take a little bit of extra strength in the ankles, due to the very wide spur.

For all those guys who wanted to buy them: Sorry, I think I'll keep them.
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