Finally tore into this thing. Wife and I had a baby, shop was a disaster, but after getting nothing done for a year or so, I've finally gotten the shop cleaned out where I can work, and in the process, found this saw again.
I ordered a replacement case and clutch from Huztl, which was pretty straightforward and the saw went back together on the new case without much trouble. The tag from the repair estimate on it said 2015, so looks like it's been sitting for 4-5 years. I took the carb apart, soaked it in Berryman's, blew out all the orifices, and put it back together. The gaskets were pretty dried out looking, and I needed a new fuel line too, so I ordered a tune-up kit off of ebay that consisted of a replacement oil pump, oil line, fuel line, air filter, and carb, figuring I could use the fuel line and the rest would be spares.
Got it together early this morning. Wouldn't fire off. Shot of starter fluid, and it fired off till the fluid burned off. Took carb back off, everything inside the carb still looked dry (no fuel). Blew a shot of air into the fuel line to make sure it was clear, and fuel came back out from the pressure in the tank, so put carb back on. Same thing. Took carb back off, tried the ebay carb. At this point the saw fired off and ran, but was idled WAY up, and when I hit the throttle it bogged down. Took ebay carb back off, took gaskets and diaphram out of that one, put them in the original Zama/Stihl carb. Nothing. Not even a burp. Took the stuff back off, put it back on the ebay carb, and reinstalled. Nothing. So at this point I have two carbs, and neither of them will even get this saw to burp at me. It will fire off on starter fluid, so it's a fuel delivery problem. The small jet in the body of the carb is clear.
I also had the exact same problem on Dad's old Homelite XL. I messed with it for a bit, and then put it back up when I got my 346XP and haven't brought it back out to try again on it, but it pretty much did the same thing as this MS180.
I work on ATV's and old Jeeps all the time, so I'm pretty comfy working on carbs, but these tiny things are like working on a wristwatch. Any suggestions?