GREAT! Then you are the one who can help me. See, I don't know ####. Nope.
So I got this camera and i got this mouse thing... get it? Like I said, only good at one thing I am really any good for, actually two.
The Dan is aware of his shortcomings but stands at his word. Its coming or may God have mercy on his soul.
I tried a few pics but they turned out small, not nice and big like yours. Everytime I try to download or do anything but type I get to a point where the computer tells me something is wrong, or just won't do it. Usually my wife tries to figure it out and after 20 mins of that I have to get the neighbor or a buddy to help.
I hate digital watches, to complex. The first thing I have to do is go through about a hundred or some file thingy things and name them so I know which they are... HEY! I'll start now!