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Do you have a 350 Horrnet? If so how do you think they compare?
Sorry, $480 is the price on the 260 pro, we missunderstood each other there!!
The 270 belongs to my partner in crime, he left it here fo me to run a while and see what I thought. I've run it a few times, I like the power/weight of the 350 much better!!! Not a saw I would buy!! But I feel the same about the 455 so.............
Gotcha. Now I see what you mean. I thought ( at least on paper ) that the MS270 and Husky 350 were pretty similar saws in performance. The specs show that the 270 has slightly more power but the 350 weighs slightly less. I wonder what the RPM differance is, if the Husky runs at higher RPM's?
I got the Husky at 10.6pds and the 270 at 11.7pds, then 3.1hp, vs 3.4hp, don't know the R's off the top of my head, maybe Troll? I just know it's night and day between them running them!
While I don't doubt what your saying, I just find it wierd that a saw with less power could perform that much better than a saw with more power. Maybe it's the 1 pound less weight thing. Things like this keep me awake at night Andy. You know what I mean?
I got the Husky at 10.6pds and the 270 at 11.7pds, then 3.1hp, vs 3.4hp, don't know the R's off the top of my head, maybe Troll? I just know it's night and day between them running them!
I would get a Husky 350 before either of those saws!! I have a 270 sitting in the garage that I won't even run!
13500 without the load
I got the Husky at 10.6pds and the 270 at 11.7pds, then 3.1hp, vs 3.4hp, don't know the R's off the top of my head, maybe Troll? I just know it's night and day between them running them!
i do have three close friends that have or have had them and they all melted down the piston and seems like a nice size saw but i am leary of 'ol 141 keeps on riping though.
I picked up a 455 a couple weeks ago. My local dealer was selling brand new units for $249 w/ 20" bar. Sounds a bit like a soup can. That dealer also has HT101 for $479. made me little sick [i just paid like $619]