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easy cut

I saw that on the news the other day , Bush using a saw , I also noticed in the clip that he just made one VERY easy cut with it is all that they showed.... '' a limb cut less than 6'' allready cut on the end and about belt high...:rolleyes:
<img src=>
I wonder what he is thinking-
Don't you guys have any bigger saws than this??
Who's the guy behind Bush's left shoulder? Looks like he's
been suckin' down happy juice all day.
A few weeks back the TV news showed a clip of Bush cutting brush at his ranch. Of course it was stagged as a photo opportunity but he was actually running the saw. This is probably the other photo that was mentioned in the previous post. I believe it was a Echo. It looked like a 3450 but I could be mistaken.

What President Bush was really thinking was "I'm gonna keep one of these handy for when we catch bin laden, and buck that b@stard up"
or maybe he is thinking.....

that if he gets the tree huggers screaming loud enough, no one will notice that a special ops team waxed Sadaam!:D

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