Originally Posted by PWB
Well................. The bulletin I read said they both were, one was just higher than the other. I'm getting frustrated because I can't find the piece of paper I wrote the numbers on. May have to pull the saw apart to check the number again.
I think I found the source of the confusion - the Tech note is contradictory... On Page 1 it says the new coil isn't rev limiting, and on page 2 it says they just changed the limit point. My Stihl tech contact is going to ask the factory, but believes all the 084/088 coils are limiting... I guess nobody reads these tech notes - this one is from 1995!
It's also why they changed the WOT setting from 12,000 to 11,500. If you go much more than 11,500, you'll start to bounce off the ignition limit and if you go further, it's easy to get too lean as the tach won't read correctly (it reads low).