Im not saying knocking doors is entirely a bad thing. I know good arboriculture can come from anyone who truley wants to provide good work. I have also distributed door hangers to homes surrounding our work area, many times. It is a great way to get work. But unless I see something that I feel should be addressed immiediatly(safety concern), I draw the line at physically knocking on someones door to solicit work. I have had theys guys knock on my door before, what an invasion! Do you like solicitors knocking on your door? Does it matter what they're selling?
No it does not matter. I dont know about you guys but I've never had a reputable plumber, carpenter, or electrician knocking doors on my street offering "deals" because they are in the neighborhood knocking on everyone else's door too! What a crock, I watch these guys all the time. They drive in anywhere from 1-300 miles away, stay at the super 8, knock doors from sun up to sun down, and literally rip people off! (Again , let me stress, just because you knock doors does put into this category, im just explianing some of my experiences. )
90% of the work i see by these out of town door knockers is of hack quality. Lions tailing, topping, spiking, flush cuts, tear cuts, you name it.
Last year, I received a call from a little old lady in my town. She needed a diseased Red oak tree removed from her back yard. I got her an estimate and she hired us to remove the tree. There also were many other Red Oaks in yard all at risk due too possible root graft trnasmission. the suurounding trees had been injected and we removed the diseased tree. I did the removal, and another reputable PHC company I use did the injections. the woman told me how she had to take out a home equity mortgage to pay for all of this work. When I was removing the tree, I had noticed fresh gaff injuries to the trunk, and i questioned the woman about this. Well you can see where im going dont you?
Yes door knockers from out of town, took advantage of her. They told her she had better remove a few sizeable pieces of deadwood right -away from her oak tree. She was a little familiar with OW and questioned them, they replied "as long as we only cut deadwood, the tree wont even notice", what they did not mention to her was that the use of gaffs to enter the tree IN MAY, is no less risky. This is what makes me mad
like i siad before i do not have any problems losing work to or competing with other good arborists, but these guys just give us all a bad name, and it pisses me off!
Budroe, if you are providing good work, and are an ethical person, there is nothing wrong with knocking doors when you are hungary. Personally though I cannot.
ps - Im no stranger to being hungery, my company is a little less than 2 years old.