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Hi Tech Redneck
Nov 5, 2001
Reaction score
New Hampshire
Hi everyone. It has been decided that I had to change from the chainsaw forum to this one. This was not my decision, but I figure I'll make the best of it and hopefully learn something from you guys. Thanks in advance for your patience as I am new to climbing and rigging.:confused:
Your gonna love climbing!
Welcome Doug! good to see you made it over the wall. Every escapee get's a free arborist catalog and a case of vintage Canadian Club along with a red cross care package. Think your gonna like it here?
Howdy, and welcome. I think that you will find that most of use over here are very patient. A few months ago, I was new to climbing, but now, I am a somewhat equal (minus experiance). Do you already have a climbing preferance, DbRT or SRT. If not, then mabey Tom can have his wish with a test of which seems simpler.

Anywho, howdy again. Mabye we can halp you with climbing, and you can help us with our saws.

Hi Doug. Your banishment is our gain! You are welcome here-even more welcome if you quit using Rick as your avatar.:p
Hey Doug, you just have to look on the bright side of things. Remember how you had to cut your wood up in uniform sizes and keep your chain sharp as well? Never more, you can cut summerwood now. Summer this long, summer that long.
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I have thousands of pics that I could post, Spyder, but I'll have to feel out JPS first. I have a feeling that he puts up with a lot less nonsense than Dennis does. No matter; one of my New Year's resolutions is to behave myself, so there won't be any problems from my end. I think I'll call up my pal RBTree and get some insight into this climbing stuff. Maybe then I can at least be conversant if not knowledgeable.
Hey Doug, if these dudes can tolerate you more than we can on chainsaw, then they are better men than we are. And why wouldn't they be? How long have you been universaly repugnant?
Anyway, I have been fantasizing about Jane as of late, I hope you don't mind Doug.
Yeah, Dan, there's some wild stuff that goes on over there for sure (which, of course, I had nothing to do with), but it's the bad spelling and grammar that got to me after a while. I wouldn't worry about little Johnny. After the novelty of pestering me over here wears off, he'll leave this forum alone.
Originally posted by dbabcock
but it's the bad spelling and grammar that got to me after a while.

O, Wow, Hey Doug, JP is in charge of this forum, and he just doesn't allow any of that stuff, he is so particular he goes thru and corrects some of our spelling etc. Boy, buddy did you come to the right place!

I wouldn't worry about little Johnny. After the novelty of pestering me over here wears off, he'll leave this forum alone

Ummmmmmm yeah, he is like that, gets bored easy and just wanders off, he seems like that type to me; um yeah.......
Sorry to disapoint you with the spelling and grammer...but I do have a large vocabulary.

As for pics, if they have trees or tree equipment in them then I have no problem.

If it's nekid peoples of gratuitus use of the didgicus impudicus, or along that vein I do have a problem...

As for Gypo getting bored, I thought annoying you was his hobby.
Hi Doug, in order to be a Gypo treeclimber and make a good turnaround, you must forgo all the antics, such as ropes, spurs and and all that crazy stuff. This is nothing more than showboating. Simply dump the ???? thing and buck it into useable lengths and take it easy on the invoice.
What I am trying to say is don't make a career out of it.
I may have been a treeclimber in another life, yes indeed, I was Jack from Jack in the Beanstalk.
Check out Shelly Duvals "Jack and the Beanstalk", I have watched it over 100 times with my kids. Which may give some insight into my basic level of intelligence.
Anyway, I don't know about you guys, but on this New Years eve, I am pouring a few beverages.
Best Regards to all and keep the big chips flyin'.
Don't worry about the naked pictures, JPS. I promise you that they won't appear here.

Gypo doesn't really have anything to do with me anymore. He and I haven't spoken since July or August. Nothing bad here, just that he felt that I was manipulating him a little too much (from what I hear, anyway). I might have an objection to this theory, except for the fact that he's such a malliable tool that my id might have actually been that way with him without my conscious self even being aware of it. If that's the case, why wouldn't I?

Sile et philosopeus esto.
"Well, if ya's don't understand my silence,
then prolly couldn't understand my words anyway; don't ya see!"

Said the blind climber as he reached for his saddle and saw!

So without ropes, layed ma$$ive leaning spar on the logger's cabin, as the occupants ran around inside yelling "Auntie Emm, Auntie Emm.....Dorothy, Dorothy......."

:jester: HAPPY NEW YEAR!:jester: