I like two-part carbonless
How long did it take for your form to evolve? I mean, you didn't sit down and create that work of art in a single evening, did you? I think your bid sheet has it's own story to tell.
$125 seems like a lotta dough, but these, as Ekka states, are your marketing and sales tools. 500 of them would last me about a year or better. A year's worth of marketing and sales for the cost of about two hours of labor, not even worth the time to price shop.
The whole key is to sink the time into creating the bid form as you like it, so you feel good about handing them out to the prospective clients. You will write thousands of these over the course of years and like our thread starter believes, you want to start out on a strong and positive note.
By the way, Mench, I dig your tag line in a big way....
Nick, thanks for the downloadable, editable form. I think a guy could slap his name on the top, order, say, 50 of them (it'll be pricier than the larger quantity, for sure) and 'test drive' them for a month or two. Good way to get your feet wet without committing to a dive in the deep end.