Here's my 5200 that I picked up from a CL seller yesterday. Was a bit of a drive, but worth it. Biggest issue is the broken muffler bolt in the cylinder and his attempts at 'fixing' it. Thankfully, not much done that can't be undone.
Cases are in good shape. AV mounts are sketchy. AF looks to still have flocking (and I have a an NOS filter to use). Has a full wrap that's in good shape. Was welded at some point by someone that knows what they were doing. Has a good rim drive drum. Missing a few screws and such. Overall it's in pretty good shape, and well worth what I paid for it (and the cost of gas for the round trip).
Came to me with an older 3 rivet 28-29" Oregon large Husqvarna (H009) mount bar. Bar pad has some chain rash on the bottom edge from having that wrong bar on the saw. Same with the bar plates. Has the original 'spinning washer' bar nuts. I'll save the H009 mount bar for a Husky (or trade it off), and will put a 34" Windsor UXL mount or 36" Oregon sprocket nose D176 mount bar on the 5200. They've been waiting for a 5200/5400/8500 to go on.
Piston has a few fresh light scratches. Looking through the spark plug hole, the plating inside the jug on the exhaust side looks OK. Will know more when I tear it down. That piston and cylinder will probably clean up and could be used with a set of rings. I'll probably keep 'em as a spare set, as I have a very good 5200 P/C on a parts saw. It also has the cast iron muffler heat shield/bumper plate. The muffler diffuser/spark arrester carrier is buggered up, but I think I have a good one on a parts saw.
Between this 5200, the parts 5200, and a parts 4200 that I have, I think I'll be able to make a really nice runner with some spares. Hopefully I have six good AV mounts between them all. I'm not going to run this saw at all before I tear it down, clean it up, and replace all the seals and gaskets. The 4200 P/C look good. May sell/trade those away to someone that needs 'em.
Here's some shots of the 'new' saw, along with the 5200 and 4200 parts saws that I already had.