Believe me when I say, I'm far from being the chief of the safety police. I do wear a hard hat, although it is plastic. When ever I am felling trees. Yes, I got bonked on the head once back in 2008. Dead limb caught me while just wearing just a ball cap. Thought the lights were gonna go out for a while there, but didn't.
So old dogs can learn new tricks, or learn to be safer.
I have always worn gloves while working in the wood. I don't generally wear hearing protection except when milling, or at a GTG when your running a bunch of loud saws.
Matter of fact the main reason I bought a pair of chaps, was that at some GTG's, folks will make it mandatory, or at least prefer you wear them. I can understand that.
Not only do chaps offer the obvious added protection from your saw chain. They work pretty well in the brush and briers also. LOL I don't know if all chaps are the same, i suppose they are. Mine are black, and they do get hot in warm weather.