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It shouldn't take more than a couple of minutes to set up a portawrap and lowering block. It's worth it to save the abrasion wear on your rope.
Exactly my point. At $6 per metre my lowering rope gets the pulley and portie treatment every time.
Someone mentioned using plywood - seems like that would easily shatter when a log end butts it (try as you may, you'll end butt one every now and then). Can/does anyone use the AlturnaMats for ground protection or will end butting a log on them cause them to crack or break?
We use woolbags stuffed full of mulch. If you don't get woolbags where you live, they are a canvas bag roughly 1m3 and cost $10 each. Lay down 4 in a square and you can bomb 50 kg blocks from 10 metres up without a problem. Bigger or higher just use 8 stacked 2 deep.
Our personal best was a Eucalypt trunk roughly 12 metres high and weighing around 3 tonnes dropped on to brick paving. We laid out 16 bags in 2 rows of 8, then laid branches about 200mm diameter across the bags at 90 degrees to the trunk. We dropped that stick bang on target and broke only 1 brick.