No Spikes on removals???

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They are great climbing and work boots, last a very long time if looked after. You can stand in spurs all day with no problem. As I only do a little spurless, and use a pantin at that, I can't say how they are for all types of climbing.
Think you're right Clearance, they do work well with a pantin, and a pantout for that matter.
My crew all climbs w/o spikes as per request/demand of utility co. we are trimming for. they have had alot of trouble with other companies doing trims w/spikes on and don't even want them on the jobsite.
I would prefer to have a set on hand for certain removal situations and am going to try and negotiate a bit.
We haven't run into anything we couldn't handle w/o using spikes so far, but sometimes I feel the job could be done safer wearing them, and keeping the guys safe is most important to me.
My crew all climbs w/o spikes as per request/demand of utility co. we are trimming for. they have had alot of trouble with other companies doing trims w/spikes on and don't even want them on the jobsite.
I would prefer to have a set on hand for certain removal situations and am going to try and negotiate a bit.
We haven't run into anything we couldn't handle w/o using spikes so far, but sometimes I feel the job could be done safer wearing them, and keeping the guys safe is most important to me.

I think a good injured climber rescue program would require a set of gaffs at the job site. Whether they're used for work or part of your rescue kit, they should be close at hand and the crew needs at least some basic training on climbing with hooks.
boots and spikes

Just my 2 cents.

Trimming I never use spikes unless NO other way to get into position and that is almost never. Spiking does do damage to trees. It is against ISA and CTE standards as well.
As far as removals I use spikes, and had the same problem with sore feet until I bought a pair of "Hoffman's". Pole climbers to be exact. After break in they are flexable enough to trim spikless, and VERY comfortable, like running shoes. I also have a pair of calked boots that I remove the two calks against the heel to fit my spikes on. With the calks I NEVER slip. They are great with or without spikes. If you are in your boots every day they are worth every penny, and only about $250.
Yes, they carry the Wesco boot, but I have always bought the "pole climbers". There are a couple "reviews" of the products on the Hoffman site, and even there they say the Wesco boots don't live up to their reputation. I really can't comment on them myself, but the "pole climbers" are amazing IMO.
Viberg linemans boot

Mitchell, right in your town, Viberg Boot, the best. I have two pairs of lineman boots for climbing, one pair is triple soled. I have a pair of caulks too. The lineman boots are over $400 but they are the cats meow, the best boots I have ever had by a long shot.

I went out and bought the Viberg linemans boot just under 500 after taxes and a 10% discount! Ouch. I Been using them for a couple weeks and they have been worth the price. They are a bit heavy relative to others I know that use the bailey's boots. I dead wooded a meduim sized redwood [130'] and found they are fine for spursless climbing as well. I do not think anyone would be unhappy with them. My past experience with using their corks and forestry boots has been nothing but very positive also.
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