nobody climbs??

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BigJohn said:
Me and one man as a ground man were pulling in 80k a month on average in Philly area. :cheers:

Maybe I should move to Philly and work there until I retire in 5 years. I takes me and 2 employees about 5 months to make $80K and I think am doing quite well.
I failed to mention the 16 hour days 6 days a week and over priced work at large estates. It can be done.
Yeah, you could make big money In Philly..but you'd have to live in that stinking rathole of a city.

Any moron can make money in that place, Look at Davey and Asplundh and an the two companies who send consulting utility foresters there. Bottom of the barrell
BigJohn said:
13.5K a year. No wonder you dont need an accountant. You can count that up on your fingers and toes. Me and one man as a ground man were pulling in 80k a month on average in Philly area. :cheers:

Cheers mate, arrogance will be your downfall. I'd rather make 15 grand in Montana than 80 in Philthadelphia.
I bet Mpatch wasn't talking about annual income. I KNOW $75 a year isn't his insurance....$75 a month sounds about right though. If I could do that and be pretty sure I wouldn't kill myself, I'd more than likely jump in too....once I learn a bit more,
Chronic1 said:
Cheers mate, arrogance will be your downfall. I'd rather make 15 grand in Montana than 80 in Philthadelphia.
:clap: Thank you. And I apologize to the City of Brotherly Love for getting dragged into this traveshamockery.
16hrs per day? (7am - 11pm?)
Do you have different sunlight than I do in NJ? Or do you work with lights?

Here in central NJ we average 1500 - 2000 per day (10hrs).

I may need to start commuting to Philly . . . .

Xtra said:
16hrs per day? (7am - 11pm?)
Do you have different sunlight than I do in NJ? Or do you work with lights?

Here in central NJ we average 1500 - 2000 per day (10hrs).

I may need to start commuting to Philly . . . .

BIG helmet mounted flashlights, hell who doesnt use them LOL

that's what i was thinking, in the middle of summer we can work about 15 hours and that's pushing it 6am to 9pm

most places have noise laws, i know that here you cant do anything in city limits before 7am or after 1030pm

that sounds about right between 1 and 2k a day
I once worked at a shopping mall from 5pm to 8am the following day. Trees needed to be done with the least interference with parking and they opened from 9am to 9pm. That 1 time working a 15 hour day was enough for me. I generally try to keep my days to 8 hours, with a 9.5 hour day the maximum. There is a point where the money isn't worth it.
reasonable hours

I used to work 8 hour days at a tree service, 7 hour days juvenile spacing, now I work 61/2 hour days windfirming. I really think that 8 is enough, after that you are not as alert, more tired and asking for an accident, Koa is right.
Ladders are a great way to reduce fatigue. Getting into the tree is easy and quick. I prune mostly healthy trees, I try to keep them healthy, not stress them at all. So I don't use spikes.
I am in pretty good shape Rebel man but I am not going to carry a ladder through the logging slash for a 1/4, 1/2 mile. The trees you climb are of a small size, you carry the ladder yourself, or do you have help?. And I can ask, like I have asked others, can you spurless climb wearing caulk boots? Can you? lets hear it.
WTF are caulk boots? And why are you being such a putz, C? Ease up and accept the fact that most of us do not approach customer's trees the same way you approach your 'vegetation management'. I appreciate the various viewpoints and your informative input here, but can you do it without beating up your fellow tree climbers?

Not beating up on anyone Skwerl, Rebelman made a comment, directed at me, I chose to respond. Caulk boots (pronounced cork) for the unknowing are heavy work boots that have spikes (similar to golf shoes) on the sole, usually about 25 per boot. These have to be worn by workers reg. law by anyone that has to walk on logs, slash. Skwerl, no need to call names, be nice, look I just taught you something you were ignorant of.
new to site

Hello i climb on accassion to limb tree in close courters. I only do it for firewood i guess i need to start chargeing after reading your conversations. Are there any climbers in north carolina i need some pionters new to climbeing harder than it looks thanks ken.

First off im a lot older than most of the people climbing in this thread and with back problems I don't think im going to start unless I have no other way to support myself , About ten years ago I had a large sycamore tree to remove about 45inches dia at the base I hired a climber who was a novice rock climber who cut trees to fund his rock climbing trips etc. he had insurance and a couple of stihls one of the large branches was over a 4 lane some of the others over roofs his deal was this he cuts you clean and dispose it took him 3 hrs start to finish he cut the trunk down in about a 10 ft piece the rest was up to me his price 350.$ I thought it was a good deal. :chainsaw: