With regards to PPE I think folks are far to focused on chaps and should be equally focused on hazards from above and wear helmets!! I've had more experiences with falling branches and while getting wood over the years vs having close calls with the legs. Two weeks ago I actually made the decision to not wear chaps in a situation because of mobility while cutting in shin high packed snow .. now I did this because I needed to know I could make my back cut while looking up and have an exit route and be able to safely get away from the base of the tree. I've had issues in the past with restricted chaps hindered my movements and tripped moving away. Some may say stupid but the decision I made was the right one at the time for that day and that tree.
I also have a story about a car accident where I DIDN'T have a seatbelt on and that was the only reason I lived... Now that wasn't intentional but worked out that way and I was lucky. However I wear a seatbelt every single time I drive.