Wow, you'all been busy
T-Shirts - working on that one. Looks like we may have three flavors. White with 1st Annual Bothe GTG logo for sale (tells us how many and what sizes?). Orange with 1st Annual Bothe GTG logo for those who sign the release form and want to run saws/equipment.
And Green for Bothe Forest Practices Group (FPG) members (volunteers). New members can sign up for FPG on the weekend if they want to join in.
Talking to local businesses about sponsoring the T Shirts so we have enough on hand for what ever crowd we think we'll be getting (hope we'll know more as we get closer). Figuring that the sponsors will pick up the up front cost of the shirts to get them made, then we can pay them back out of what sells. I'm thinking the sponsors should absorb the cost for the Sawyers Orange shirts and the Green FPG shirts ???
As far as BBQ goes, all the pic-nic and camp sites have some sort of wood stove. Most have Belson Stoves that will allow grilling and flat plate heat too. Bring hardwood cut to stove size and you should be OK.
For the question of "will there be anything real to drop?" That's really a two-parter:
Part 1 is that we all sort of agree that this first event will have enough wrinkles that it is not likely we'll have anything truly meaningful availble. BUT, the State is coming through the Park and doing a hazard tree survey in Oct. So we'll have some stuff marked. What we can do with that we don't know ...
Part 2 is that we are planning to discuss future felling opportunities and period correct re-enactments on "film" as part of the Saturday morning meeting that all are invited to attend at the outdoor AV center (correct smelling clothes welcome on filming days

). We'll be doing audience discussion and brainstorming how we can combine next years event with real tree work and such. So keep your kit handy, but this year will be more about trying to figure out how to approach these harder issues.
Keep the roster coming on who will be attending. Let Eccentric know what you need? We are trying to find locations for each major activity. Looks like swap meet is one place. Demo area is another. Show-n-shine and Antique Show Off is another. Also looks like some of the "Make & Break" boys will be attending too.
Rob Grassi, our maintenance guy and resident Mill Wright, is thinking that we should build a "portable" saw mill in the future. Maybe Steam? And of course we could use a moderate sized steam donkey as real attraction for the kids
Lots of possibilities when we put our heads together