Not worth the effort

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ArboristSite Operative
Nov 19, 2007
Reaction score
Franklin, Ma
Well today started all good and dandy but quickly it went south. Ive had this standing dead oak at the back edge of my property for awhile. Not even really a tree anymore just a 30 foot poll with one limb on it and 24" DBH. The top broke out awhile ago and was cut split and burned just never got around to taking the rest down. So with all other work done today I decide ill take it down. Grab the old trusty 266 fill it up with gas and oil 1 pull 2 pulls 3 pulls snap rope brakes ok no big deal go in and grab one of a parts saw I have ill rewrap that one latter. Now I walk out to the tree clear around the base to make work eaiser. I have a nice clear drop zone picked out nothing around at all to worry about except other trees off to both sides and behind. Look the tree over and realize the one limp that is still on it is coming out 180 degrees from where i want to drop. I fiqure no big deal a wedge or 2 and good to go. Put my notch in and start the back cut the first 6 or so inches all the way around the outside is pretty punky but the chips coming from the center look good. I get the back cut in and have about 2 inches for my hinge reach to my back pocket for a wedge and they are not there damb forgot them at the house. So looking aroud real quick I see the wedge from the notch cut. ok now ill make one real quick out of that. Go to pull the saw out of the back cut and bamb tree sits down on the bar have no idea why should have been plenty of holding wood. With no dangers around and noone else in the area I leave the tree reday to go at anytime with my saw stuck. Walk back to the house to grab the wedges. Guess what I left them at my friends house the last time I was there. 30 mins to his house or 10 mins to the hardware store hardware store it is. Grab the two new weges and head backout. Get one wedge in and free the saw start to take a little more wood from the hinge thinking it will go over. Well it went but it went 90 degrees to where I wanted it now its hung in a maple. The reason why? It appears that this now one tree used to be 2 at one point early in life which caused it to be hollow but not in the center but off center so unknowingly I cut threw my hinge on that side and when hamering in the wedge it caused the tree to spin off center.

So now I have this tree hung up. No tractor or truck access great. Picked the highest point that i felt comfortable cutting at. Start the cut from the underside 1/3 of the way threw then swith to the top and start to cut a wedge out get one side of the wedge cut 1/2 way threw start on the other side and only get 1/3/ of the way in and the damb tree shifts binding the saw again. Walk back again and grab my little 345 with a 16inch bar. So I do a little carefull surgery to free the 266 more like hacking the hell out of the wood around it. Ok so lets try this again go back to the same area that I was cutting the notch and just kinda widdle my threw it. Finally the tree comes down and is flat on the ground. While bucking it up I found the only piece of metal in the whole tree with the 266 must have been an old nail or brab wire fence finished bucking with the 345.

So for almost 3 hrs of work on one tree ill end up with about 1/4 cord of good burnable wood. Should have just called it a day when the recoil rope broke. Tomorrow ill split and stack it the only good side is its mostly dry and will be burned late this season.
Yeah, if it was easy everybody would be doing it and wood would be cheap.

Sounds like things turned out okay and you can sleep well tonight.:clap:
I hear ya about some days! There are days that I'm further behind at the end of the day than when I started.

Been There: Done That..

All is a good day, just that some days are better then others. When you can walk out of the woods and have a pile on the ground.. It's a good day.
Hey man it's good you can give a healthy rant here on this thread instead of in Injuries and Fatalities, you're a rich man, be safe!!!

Well here is the first haul form the tree from hell. Im going to end up with more wood then i first thought closer to a half cord then a 1/4. Well its all split but only had time to pull this one load out. Normally I load the trailer more but this wet oak is heavy and I dont want to brake my little tractor.
Well here it is the tree from hell all split and stacked ended up with exactly 1/2 a cord. The rack is 12 foot by 4 foot by 16 inches.
:clap: Good Job!!

Looks nice in the rack. I'm still waiting for the woods to dry out.

Something to think about: I got up this morning and my grass was white.

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