Numerous other expenses arise such as coporate jets

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ArboristSite Guru
Jan 22, 2002
Reaction score
Moscow TN
Art, Ken... I hope y'all will consider this before you raise the prices on the whole forum. BTW, seems to me that the challange of taking a good saw, oh, let's just say a 2100, and making a great saw out of it is kind of, well, slaking. Hold on now, I'm not trying to crtisize anybody. Lord knows, ya'll do wonders with saws. I'm talking about all saw builders on this list... But seems to me that taking a great saw and making it better, is really beneath you guys. To take an old crappy saw, that every bodys given up on, and turning it into a cutter...we'll, now were talking a saw builder. rupe do you think they'll go for that?:cool:
Ya, I will second that. I never thought I would ever work for anyone else ever again except the Big Boss above, but I'm working for Ken now buying large powerheads, such as the 2100, 090 and 999. It's not a bad setup, Ken pays all my expenses and I get 200 U.S. for every saw I find. Have chainsaw will travel.
First stop, Thunder Bay.
John, congratulations on your new gig. I thought I might offer you 220 US for them big boys + expenses, but then I realized you probably drink as much as I do. never mind...;)
Hey Mike, it works out alright, 200 U.S. works out to 327$ CDN. So I only need a saw a day to make ends meet and live the high life at the same time, plus pursue all my other endevours at the same time. I think I will go out and buy a camper for the truck so as to chop expenses. Ken said all I need to do is mention his name in various saw circles and I will be looked after, plus I get to fly on his Learjet to the Queen Charlotte Islands.
Oh I almost forgot, theres a party going on in Emumclaw Wash.
Dennis is there with Rotax Robert. I called the creeps but only could leave a message and asked them to have one for us all. They must be poking them back at the Eager Beaver.
Call them at Rotax Roberts: 1 360 886 1000
Sounds like you've got it worked out brother man. Easy on that "poking them back at the Eager Beaver". Y'all be careful up there.
Dang! That Ken sure had me going with the "I'm just livin' the simple, easy life out here in the hills of Kalifornia an' playin' my Bingo for kicks" gig. Learjet...sheesh! He told me he only had a Twin Otter. Well that'll teach me!

Hey Ken,
I haven't forgot about the 3120, I've just been busy as hell at work and building my shack up at the lake. I gotsta make me some "bucking stands" to do the timed-cut thing which I haven't gotten around to yet, but I promise I'll get to it soon, bud. My best to you and Linda. Hey, if you're paying Gyro that kind of money, can I come out there and sweep up metal filings for ya? I work cheaper than he does and I also groove on Bingo!:blob2:
Hey Gypo Creepo...
I've located about 12 090's at a undisclosed location here in the states.
If yaa wanna come down & round 'em up, I'll gave yaa free roomin' & boardin".
Just one thing...yaa gotta bring yur own poopin' paper cuz I ain't lettin' you tear pages outta Husky & Johny manual's like you had to at Denise's (Dennis's)...Rick

Creep on loggin'