Odd question

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ArboristSite Operative
Sep 7, 2005
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, Pa. (kind-of)
If you replace the fuel lines (and it's easy not to get the original diameter) could that make you have to re-adjust the carb?
Would replacing your fuel lines a weeeeee bit bigger richen up your carb?
But if the saws are like my my mower carbs, the weeeee bit larger fuel lines created a air leak that cant be seen and there was no sign of gas seepage. I even had fuel line clamps on the ends. Therefore the diaphram carb was unable to draw fuel. Created havoc on me till I figured it out. Just telling you this in case you have troubles.

They're tough to put on, so I think it's worth the shot. Nice to know what to watch for.

Thanks Lakeside, was curious.

Keeping all my dumb questions in one thread here, Say you do a muffler mod; I think the general consensus would agree the saw runs cooler.

Would this allow you some lee-way in regard to the fuel mixture? For example, would a 32:1 mix saw mind 40:1 very much? With quality mix oil, naturally...