I think it is a few different things that keep us from harvesting our own oil.
First of all i believe that the powers that be in this country, in regards to oil, would never let the price per barrell come to such a low figure. They see the middle east raking cash with a bulldozer and they want to do the same. I think they will wait until oil is absolutely at its highest value and then make it available to consumers. Which in turn would keep their hands deep into the american peoples' pockets as well as the other countries. The powers that be in this country do not give two buckets of steamy hot moose dump about us and our financial struggles.
I also think that it provides a huge amount of leverage for us. If we have an abundance of fuel nobody is going to mess with us. I think it would also help us out with china who we owe like a bazillion trillion dollars too.
Then there is the conspiracy theory that the PTB(powers that be) in this land, are in bed with middle eastern oil tycoons so much that you can smell the camel spit on their weasley, never worked a day in my life, manicured, sissy little girl hands!!