I had a plan.
Everyone has a plan until they get punched.
I had no use for the auxiliary hydraulic valve in this machine. So, I started with the greasy plates underneath this thing.
I can actually get to this thing now. Ok... The plan was to simply delete the electrical valve that looked like this:
The really big return line back to a really big fitting under the machine (1 1/2 inch wrench) and use one of the caps... easy enough.
The smaller lines, well improvise a cap for the T fitting, and that aught to work right?
Nope. tried to start the engine. The pump (huge thing on side of engine) is evidently deadheaded. Stalled the diesel engine. There went my plan.
How in the hell did this thing work? Look learnadly at this picture it is how the valve is connected:
the hose in the middle is TEE'd to feed both valves. Something is special about that red valve. Evidently it allows fluid to circulate until pressure is needed.
I don't have anything to connect to the factory auxiliary connections on the arms... but how would they get pressure?
I am mystified how this thing worked.
How was it originally done? because this red valve was added that is obvious.
at this point all I can really do is replace the giant return hose and leave it in there.

Everyone has a plan until they get punched.
I had no use for the auxiliary hydraulic valve in this machine. So, I started with the greasy plates underneath this thing.
I can actually get to this thing now. Ok... The plan was to simply delete the electrical valve that looked like this:

The smaller lines, well improvise a cap for the T fitting, and that aught to work right?
Nope. tried to start the engine. The pump (huge thing on side of engine) is evidently deadheaded. Stalled the diesel engine. There went my plan.
How in the hell did this thing work? Look learnadly at this picture it is how the valve is connected:

I don't have anything to connect to the factory auxiliary connections on the arms... but how would they get pressure?
I am mystified how this thing worked.
How was it originally done? because this red valve was added that is obvious.
at this point all I can really do is replace the giant return hose and leave it in there.