Work Saw Collector
GTG Coffee Maker
What a bummer. No user cp. Confusing as all hell. Whatever.
Les click Settings upper right corner it is now user cp.
What a bummer. No user cp. Confusing as all hell. Whatever.
What a bummer. No user cp. Confusing as all hell. Whatever.
Yeah like I need any more difficulties with the t.v. remote batteries dead and not being able to get the empty toilet paper roll tube off the holder thingie and all!!
You have a tp holder thingy? Rich #####.
I rented it with option to buy.
Heartland rentals? Im going tomorrow for a used one, maybe.
I hid one like mine behind the returned plunger holder thingies!! How goes the inlaws and stuff?
Still here, but leaving in the morning. Getting drunk tomorrow night!!![]()
W00 H00!!! Ill bring the 6 pack!! We can save the rest for later!
Thanks. Im broke!![]()
Im getting it at the rental store too!!
You have a tp holder thingy? Rich #####.
Little to far out to say for sure if I could make it,but I'll try to start planning.
Man there has been a bunch of changes here this week, now the new credit thing.You guys try to build up some credits posting and whatnot, just have them transfered to my account before the GTG to gain entry.
Thanks. Im broke!![]()
what is the minimum amount of crecits to get in I will try to have 5 by MarchMan there has been a bunch of changes here this week, now the new credit thing.You guys try to build up some credits posting and whatnot, just have them transfered to my account before the GTG to gain entry.