The skidder Hedge posted was a stationary display. The REAL skidder was AWOL on a John Deere 630 Tri-cycle. You would have thought he was in training for a tractor rodeo! He was weaving through places in the trees I couldn't see gaps for & he rode a wheelie the entire length of one of the skidder trails! I hope Rebekah got some photos of him to post.
Again we had several young'uns there who were hard workers!
5 load of Sam-Tips' dump trailer, one 18' trailer with around 3' high sides, a 16' trailer, & a pickup load. I would guess around 18 cords.
I have been skeptical about Super Splitters, but for the tree tops we were working they were great!
As always it was great to see a wide assortment of saws in use.
Thanks to all who were able to make it. I had a lot of fun!