A. I don't know that for sure.
B. Yes he did!
C. No way!
Good seeing ya today, man!!! Hey, I left with a box full of 372.![]()
I just want to run that J'Red when it's done! Then you
REALLY won't need that tweener!!!
A. I don't know that for sure.
B. Yes he did!
C. No way!
Good seeing ya today, man!!! Hey, I left with a box full of 372.![]()
A. I don't know that for sure.
B. Yes he did!
C. No way!
Good seeing ya today, man!!! Hey, I left with a box full of 372.![]()
I just want to run that J'Red when it's done! Then you
REALLY won't need that tweener!!!
Buddy, after you left I went in the house & ate another suasage bisquit and fell asleep.
I didn't wake up till 6:00. What did you put in them things?? Was ya wantin to git me
sleepy & then take off with the 288?? HA,HAHope you git that 372 runnin, I'll be wantin
to run it fer sure.
Thanks to you & Matt fer commin over.
Them's good biscuits! Guess you haven't checked your shop, eh? :msp_wink:
Good time man! Thanks for having us over.
I just want to run that J'Red when it's done!
Hope you git that 372 runnin, I'll be wantin
to run it fer sure.
I have two projects now. :msp_w00t: Goin to be fun!
Thanks for the parts, Stumpy!!!
I spent the afternoon cutting, splitting and noodling a bunch. I got three rick on the goooseneck now, going to do some more tomorrow. The wood is going to my dads he burned 4 rick last year so just need a little more on the trailer. I sure had a good time doing it.
Edit: I used the 038 Mag, MS361x2
I little cooler weather today for that kind of work, eh Steven? Nice over here!!!
You need to bring a 361 next time heading this way. I need to run one. :msp_unsure:
Stumpy likes food.
I enjoyed th visit, welcome any time.
sounds like i need to bring some terrorized saws to your next shindig. whos buying the bl lime?
What the hell is going on here???? A mini GTG and i didnt even get a call? What 372? Who the hell authorized this? Why am i not on the mailing list? Strumpet is in big trouble this time.:msp_mad:
All I know is I seen a sign that said spotted cow coming to a gtg near you. I want to know where the gtg is going to be that has it.![]()
Just got back from the store and picked up some of the Canadian LTD Stump was braggin' on in TN. Woulda been nice if he woulda shared some so I hope it is as good as he says.
They also had this huge display of BL Lime with a big sign over head saying "The Official Beer of Terry Landrum". I didn't realize he was so well known.
What the hell is going on here???? A mini GTG and i didnt even get a call? What 372? Who the hell authorized this? Why am i not on the mailing list? Strumpet is in big trouble this time.:msp_mad:
All I know is I seen a sign that said spotted cow coming to a gtg near you. I want to know where the gtg is going to be that has it.![]()