Firewood Purveyor
With this weather we've had the last couple of days, the last thing I want to think about is running a saw, heat index of 108-110 damn it's tough outside, we baled 40 acres of pearl millet yesterday and it was tough enough just running farm equipment.
We are burned up here, drought conditions for sure. The guys who gambled on non-irrigated corn better hope they had crop insurance. Wish I owned one of the nice new 300k four row JD silage cutters, the two guys in our area that have them will be making a fortune. Hay will hit 60.00-70.00 a round bale for mediocre stuff if we don't get some rain. I declined selling my excess yesterday, it's gonna be like gold by Jan.
If it stays hot like this into fall it's sure going to condense our cutting, prolly won't be able to provide enough to cover demand. Hedge what are you going to charge this year? I got a new customer calling about 20 miles south of you wanting a chit load of wood. He likes buying green hedge, right up your alley.
We are burned up here, drought conditions for sure. The guys who gambled on non-irrigated corn better hope they had crop insurance. Wish I owned one of the nice new 300k four row JD silage cutters, the two guys in our area that have them will be making a fortune. Hay will hit 60.00-70.00 a round bale for mediocre stuff if we don't get some rain. I declined selling my excess yesterday, it's gonna be like gold by Jan.
If it stays hot like this into fall it's sure going to condense our cutting, prolly won't be able to provide enough to cover demand. Hedge what are you going to charge this year? I got a new customer calling about 20 miles south of you wanting a chit load of wood. He likes buying green hedge, right up your alley.