Oklahoma,AR,MO,KS,TX GTG (Next GTG 08/27/2016 ) Fort Scott, KS

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With this weather we've had the last couple of days, the last thing I want to think about is running a saw, heat index of 108-110 damn it's tough outside, we baled 40 acres of pearl millet yesterday and it was tough enough just running farm equipment.
We are burned up here, drought conditions for sure. The guys who gambled on non-irrigated corn better hope they had crop insurance. Wish I owned one of the nice new 300k four row JD silage cutters, the two guys in our area that have them will be making a fortune. Hay will hit 60.00-70.00 a round bale for mediocre stuff if we don't get some rain. I declined selling my excess yesterday, it's gonna be like gold by Jan.

If it stays hot like this into fall it's sure going to condense our cutting, prolly won't be able to provide enough to cover demand. Hedge what are you going to charge this year? I got a new customer calling about 20 miles south of you wanting a chit load of wood. He likes buying green hedge, right up your alley.
With this weather we've had the last couple of days, the last thing I want to think about is running a saw, heat index of 108-110 damn it's tough outside, we baled 40 acres of pearl millet yesterday and it was tough enough just running farm equipment.
We are burned up here, drought conditions for sure. The guys who gambled on non-irrigated corn better hope they had crop insurance. Wish I owned one of the nice new 300k four row JD silage cutters, the two guys in our area that have them will be making a fortune. Hay will hit 60.00-70.00 a round bale for mediocre stuff if we don't get some rain. I declined selling my excess yesterday, it's gonna be like gold by Jan.

If it stays hot like this into fall it's sure going to condense our cutting, prolly won't be able to provide enough to cover demand. Hedge what are you going to charge this year? I got a new customer calling about 20 miles south of you wanting a chit load of wood. He likes buying green hedge, right up your alley.

MMmmmmm Green Hedge,..... Sounds fun!
Yep, he wants it green as in cut yesterday. Wants it 20-24 inches long and split big, for use in a OWB. He now wants 50 cords. I really don't look forward to it. lol Though ole Hedge might want to get in on some of it.
With this weather we've had the last couple of days, the last thing I want to think about is running a saw, heat index of 108-110 damn it's tough outside, we baled 40 acres of pearl millet yesterday and it was tough enough just running farm equipment.
We are burned up here, drought conditions for sure. The guys who gambled on non-irrigated corn better hope they had crop insurance. Wish I owned one of the nice new 300k four row JD silage cutters, the two guys in our area that have them will be making a fortune. Hay will hit 60.00-70.00 a round bale for mediocre stuff if we don't get some rain. I declined selling my excess yesterday, it's gonna be like gold by Jan.

If it stays hot like this into fall it's sure going to condense our cutting, prolly won't be able to provide enough to cover demand. Hedge what are you going to charge this year? I got a new customer calling about 20 miles south of you wanting a chit load of wood. He likes buying green hedge, right up your alley.

Oh, I got no clue... PM me what you think it aught to be and how much I got to come up with, and I'll just either get cuttin', or fall out of my chair. The stuff in the barn will only be premium for when the snow is flying or the ice storm hits and everyone needs dry stuff.
Yep, he wants it green as in cut yesterday. Wants it 20-24 inches long and split big, for use in a OWB. He now wants 50 cords. I really don't look forward to it. lol Though ole Hedge might want to get in on some of it.

50 cords of hedge? What in the hell would someone do with 50 cords of hedge???!!! I could heat an apartment building with that much Hedge!!!:waaaht:

Not sayin' I couldn't come up with it though... Just sayin...
Hey Hedge, that's got your name all over it. Yoooucaaaandooooitttttt. :msp_biggrin:

Guys, I believe it's too hot right now to even talk about firewood, much less chainsaws! :msp_scared:
Nope. Just helping the neighbor kid. Anyone got an exhaust cover in decent shape. Carb will be taken care of here shortly. Hopefully this doesn't morph into a huge time eater. It will, however, have to be disassembled to get the shop towel out of the intake...
Don't ask... )-:

Sorry, but I just can't hardly contain my curiosity. How did the shop towel get so far down the intake?
Sorry, but I just can't hardly contain my curiosity. How did the shop towel get so far down the intake?

Somebody who had it before me stuck it down there to "protect" it while they went looking for a carb kit. No problem though... I got it out... Saw runs when primed... A few more parts and I think it will officially be "alive"!!! Still has a garbage bar on it... And needs some cosmetic work... I'll post another pic or 2 tomorrow...
Yep, he wants it green as in cut yesterday. Wants it 20-24 inches long and split big, for use in a OWB. He now wants 50 cords. I really don't look forward to it. lol Though ole Hedge might want to get in on some of it.

50 Cords?!?!? Holy Chit! That's A LOT of work,... But if the money's right, the hell with it. I'm still trying to come up with about 15 cords of assorted hardwood for some various customers and save back another 4-5 cords of Blackjack Oak and Locust for a snowy emergency, (not counting the 10 cords for my use at home). I am thinking about a Hud-Son Badger in the future, after I get my trailer picked up for hauling. Then the 20+ cords I'm doing now, could turn into 50ish for the same time investment... That ought to lower the overhead.
Locust, that's just a little dab of wood.lol We should sell around 375-415 this year, if it is a normal year, in fact we're about to the point of not accepting anymore orders for this season just with our existing customer base. I'm afraid if we take anymore we won't be able to maintain the quality we like to sell or deliver on time. Problem is here, wood doesn't bring enough money. I really think this is going to be our last year doing it on this scale. This particular guy will prolly burn more than 50 cord since he's running two Hardy owb's this year. Last year with just one his total use for a year was over 60, I'd have to look at the books but think he was around 67/68. He tries to heat around 6000 sq ft of totally uninsulated shop space with sliding doors with huge gaps. He uses old truck radiators for heat exchangers. He had to fill the thing at least four times when it was cold. I've tried to convince him that insulation would cut the wood usage but he is unwillingly to buy any. Great customer, pays like a slot machine, lets me know way in advance when he needs wood. There have been weeks where he has burned over 5 cord. It can be a beeech to keep him in wood with all the other deliveries going on. We usually will try to deliver at least 5 cord to him at a time.

I never seen much use for a processor as long as you can hire decent help for 7-8 bucks and hour.You don't have all your cash tied up in a piece of equipment. Our main problem is we don't like to cut when it's hot so we wind up running around like chickens with our heads cut off from mid August-September to Feb. it's hard to take a day off because your always behind. If it wasn't for the boys I would have cut it back our business back to this one customer and maybe four or five more. I love running saws, but damn it gets old when you know you have to do it everyday.

Worksaw Collector has one of the neatest little wood dealers close to him over in Jay, Oklahoma, the guy has the most consistent wood I've ever seen. Stacked beautifully, I'm envious of how great a product he puts out. It's just a couple blocks south of the square in Jay, right on the highway. I'd like to know how much that cat sells. It is premium stuff in my book.

I'm going to try something a little different this year, I'm going to try buying a couple ten wheeler loads/ log boom trucks to see if there is any money in buying cull logs and bucking them up and splitting them vs cutting tops all the time. Also if some of the weekend warriors go out with some of the ridiculous prices like last year, I'm just going to buy their wood and have them deliver it and flip it to my customer's who pick wood up rather than have it delivered.

I'm afraid this season might be a huge one if propane prices stay as high as they are. It should be a good year for selling wood.
Locust, that's just a little dab of wood.lol We should sell around 375-415 this year, if it is a normal year, in fact we're about to the point of not accepting anymore orders for this season just with our existing customer base. I'm afraid if we take anymore we won't be able to maintain the quality we like to sell or deliver on time. Problem is here, wood doesn't bring enough money. I really think this is going to be our last year doing it on this scale. This particular guy will prolly burn more than 50 cord since he's running two Hardy owb's this year. Last year with just one his total use for a year was over 60, I'd have to look at the books but think he was around 67/68. He tries to heat around 6000 sq ft of totally uninsulated shop space with sliding doors with huge gaps. He uses old truck radiators for heat exchangers. He had to fill the thing at least four times when it was cold. I've tried to convince him that insulation would cut the wood usage but he is unwillingly to buy any. Great customer, pays like a slot machine, lets me know way in advance when he needs wood. There have been weeks where he has burned over 5 cord. It can be a beeech to keep him in wood with all the other deliveries going on. We usually will try to deliver at least 5 cord to him at a time.

I never seen much use for a processor as long as you can hire decent help for 7-8 bucks and hour.You don't have all your cash tied up in a piece of equipment. Our main problem is we don't like to cut when it's hot so we wind up running around like chickens with our heads cut off from mid August-September to Feb. it's hard to take a day off because your always behind. If it wasn't for the boys I would have cut it back our business back to this one customer and maybe four or five more. I love running saws, but damn it gets old when you know you have to do it everyday.

Worksaw Collector has one of the neatest little wood dealers close to him over in Jay, Oklahoma, the guy has the most consistent wood I've ever seen. Stacked beautifully, I'm envious of how great a product he puts out. It's just a couple blocks south of the square in Jay, right on the highway. I'd like to know how much that cat sells. It is premium stuff in my book.

I'm going to try something a little different this year, I'm going to try buying a couple ten wheeler loads/ log boom trucks to see if there is any money in buying cull logs and bucking them up and splitting them vs cutting tops all the time. Also if some of the weekend warriors go out with some of the ridiculous prices like last year, I'm just going to buy their wood and have them deliver it and flip it to my customer's who pick wood up rather than have it delivered.

I'm afraid this season might be a huge one if propane prices stay as high as they are. It should be a good year for selling wood.

That's why I'm trying to pad my personal supply as much as possible. I know that I spent $2K last year in propane alone, and that was in addition to the 7 cords I burned in my P.E. T6. I would like to get to the 40-60 point as cutting about 20-28 and burning/saving roughly half for me, I couldn't declare a business if I wanted to, as it would only show that I was losing money...:bang:
I never seen much use for a processor as long as you can hire decent help for 7-8 bucks and hour.You don't have all your cash tied up in a piece of equipment. Our main problem is we don't like to cut when it's hot so we wind up running around like chickens with our heads cut off from mid August-September to Feb. it's hard to take a day off because your always behind. If it wasn't for the boys I would have cut it back our business back to this one customer and maybe four or five more. I love running saws, but damn it gets old when you know you have to do it everyday.
True... Kinda makes work out of it...:msp_thumbdn:

Worksaw Collector has one of the neatest little wood dealers close to him over in Jay, Oklahoma, the guy has the most consistent wood I've ever seen. Stacked beautifully, I'm envious of how great a product he puts out. It's just a couple blocks south of the square in Jay, right on the highway. I'd like to know how much that cat sells. It is premium stuff in my book.

Here's ~ 35 cord of premium I will use as my personal stash, and will only sell for a premium price. I may just end up sitting on a lot of it this year, but the price of wood needs to go up in our area... The days of $100 per cord will have to come to an end. There's just too much investment... I just do it cause I like it...:laugh:

I'm going to try something a little different this year, I'm going to try buying a couple ten wheeler loads/ log boom trucks to see if there is any money in buying cull logs and bucking them up and splitting them vs cutting tops all the time. Also if some of the weekend warriors go out with some of the ridiculous prices like last year, I'm just going to buy their wood and have them deliver it and flip it to my customer's who pick wood up rather than have it delivered.

I think that's an interesting idea!!! Please share how well it works out with us... There's been times I thought about pouring a slab and setting up a processing station. Just not sure if it would be worth the 40 -50 G it would take...

I'm afraid this season might be a huge one if propane prices stay as high as they are. It should be a good year for selling wood.

Man I hope so...
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Here's the beast. It's getting a new gasket and hopefully some missing parts today. Can someone tell me what this lever is for?
Edit: Never mind... figured it out... Feeling pretty stupid now...
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