I went to start my 044 on Saturday and the starter cord pulled without any resistance. Tried 30 times with no response. It was not turning the flywheel at all. Took saw to Stihl dealer Monday, took starter assembly off, showed tech, and he told me I needed a new clip thingy (looks like a paper clip). It cost $1.09 plus tax. I changed it on the counter and we tested it off the saw. It appeared to be working according to he and I. The plastic arms were coming out as if to engage the flywheel, which was not happening before. Problem solved. Get saw out to test start yesterday. 3-4 pulls and the starter was not engaging the flywheel like before. On the 5th or 6th pull, the starter engaged the flywheel at the end of the pull, not enough to turn the flywheel over. Kept pulling and started engaging flywheel in the middle of the pull....enough to get a pop and eventually start after a dozen pulls or so. Some pulls I got no engagement of the flywheel at all, some at half the pull, and some from the start of the pull.
Starting a saw like this would drive me nuts, especially in this heat. What do you recommend? Replace the whole starter assembly? I wouldn't mind an Elasto-start anyway.