Oklahoma,AR,MO,KS,TX GTG (Next GTG 08/27/2016 ) Fort Scott, KS

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Folks. Any interest in this charity cut located near Jefferson City, MO? I've chatted with the organizer very briefly, and he says that they have plenty of people in need. I realize that it's quite a trip for everyone but me, but thought I'd see if anyone else wanted to pitch in. Copied post below:

Warming Up Hearts & Homes 10/24 830AM

We are looking for volunteers or teams of volunteers who would be willing to work hard to provide families with wood for the winter.

We have the opportunity to provide a service to many families all at once. We have a farm of approximately 90 acres that has recently been logged. Therefore, there are lots of large trees that are down and in need of cleaning up. The family that owns this farm is donating all of the wood that is cut up to provide to families in need this winter.

If possible:
• 1 group leader who is experienced with a chainsaw and willing to be in charge of the safety of their team. If you do not have a group leader, you can contact us to see if we have someone available.
• 4-9 individuals who are willing to carry, stack, and deliver wood.
• a truck to haul the wood to the families that you know are in need of wood for heating for the winter.
• a wood splitter if your team has one available.

We are also gathering names of families that could use help this winter heating their homes with wood. If you know of anyone, please send the information to [email protected].

It would be fun, but beyond the drive that's the weekend that my Wife's fanily and I are putting on a Trapshoot fundraiser for the National Brain Tumor Society (in honor of my late FIL). There's no way I'm missing that as I have to help and would like to compete again if possible.

If there are some a bit closer between Dec-May I will see what I can do.
Any suggestions from you guys on how to rid myself of this little subterranean devil that's wreaking havoc in my yard? I'm guessing it's gophers...

Any suggestions from you guys on how to rid myself of this little subterranean devil that's wreaking havoc in my yard? I'm guessing it's gophers...

View attachment 454002
I just discovered the same thing in my yard, although much smaller (for now). I'm wandering if it's courtesy of an Armadillo as the trench is a good 9-11" wide. I'm about to go scorched Earth policy on this mother...
Any suggestions from you guys on how to rid myself of this little subterranean devil that's wreaking havoc in my yard? I'm guessing it's gophers...

View attachment 454002

Juicy Fruit. No joke. Roll the stick of gum then place it in a fresh hole. Use gloves to keep human scent off of it. The mole eats it and some chemical reaction makes it enlarge in their stomach and they can't pass it. My mom's used this method for years.
Morning folks. Temps were forecast for 34 over night last night so I lit off the boiler yesterday evening. I don't think it got that cold, but it's nice and warm in the house this morning. No wind today for the first time in a while. Looks like a good day to burn some brush. Coffee first though. Have a good one.
Morning folks. Temps were forecast for 34 over night last night so I lit off the boiler yesterday evening. I don't think it got that cold, but it's nice and warm in the house this morning. No wind today for the first time in a while. Looks like a good day to burn some brush. Coffee first though. Have a good one.
Steve, headin past you to Jeff City this AM.

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