Morning Fella's, a am a little slow to spool this AM. Company Xmas party last night.
Good food, drinks and conversation.
Those 5.4 triton's can be a pita. Coby make sure your customer knows about the class action
lawsuit. If you need info about it send me a PM.
Like you Don, I have seen several high mileage tritons but have seen many that give it up
prior to 100k on the clock. It appears you end up with one extreme or the other. Brenda's
has only 70k+ hopefully hers will be one that makes the high mileage club!
Don are you going to make Hedgefest? My wife and I went to the ICE show late Sunday morning
about 11 and you must have left. Hopefully I can meet you at Matt's.
We delivered 1.5 cord of charity wood yesterday and will be delivering another 1.5 today.
This the season for giving!