I've got a 445 Johnny right now that's has a freshened up top end.Full o' piss and vinegar.Foldin' money bet.:big_smile:
I've got a 445 Johnny right now that's has a freshened up top end.Full o' piss and vinegar.Foldin' money bet.:big_smile:
what's that foldin' money?
How many CC we talking?
It's good to get a little chest-drumming in right about now.Gets dem boys in the truck and on their way come race day.:look_down:
It's good to get a little chest-drumming in right about now.Gets dem boys in the truck and on their way come race day.:look_down:
Glad I could help... Oh, I'm driving the F350 down too... In honor of Wendell and the high gas prices...:msp_sneaky:
Glad I could help... Oh, I'm driving the F350 down too... In honor of Wendell and the high gas prices...:msp_sneaky:
If it ain't 2 much trouble swing by and pick me up..That's the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me. Thank you.
If anybody from these parts is interested in carpooling, let me know.
If anybody from these parts is interested in carpooling, let me know.
If it ain't 2 much trouble swing by and pick me up..
I drink and fall down a lot.