I haven't done any threading on that saw since the thread where I was asking about it before I bought it.
I did see ATVguns posted his video of it, I'll be sure to add it in. Good job, & thank you to him for that! I'll have to see about sending a bit of rep his way, now that I'm thinking of it!
I'll get around to it soon, I hope. Its been a nasty week so far. Went to grandmothers funeral on Monday, then my 6 week old had to be airlifted to Little Rock Children's Hospital last night with complications of RSV virus.
But, Grandma is in a better place now, she is missed, but her suffering here is done.
The baby has improved greatly today. She'll be back to her old diaper filling & keeping mom & dad awake all night routine in no time!! :hmm3grin2orange: