Oldirty North American Tour 08

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tman hit it on the head not too long ago. just like i had to go west i had to come back home. just to make sure i wasnt going to be missing out on the real deal.

One time I looked out of my window in Tucson at the highest peak in the mountains the surounded the town. The next morning I set off due north with a full days rations, rode my bike as far as I could then climbed up rocky cravasses through " jumping catus" and crusty shale to the top.
I ate those Ramen noddles and was prepared to stay up there all night, just to see if I could see, I ended up jabbing my knee with a pig pan catus but made it home to catch an episode of the A Team by 11 pm.
Some people say " you can't go home again" but I say " Why the F not?" Sometimes you have to build a home in order to leave it then come back to it but everybody can agree there is no place like it. Its a very good place to be.
By the way i lied about the peyote. While there may be no place like home there is also no place like being OUT in the desert.
Men of AS Calendar

Hey are we gonna start one or not. I don't see any reason why we shouldn't. We could give them to are lady friends and such.......what's the worse that could happen?
thanks fellas. its nice to be home and get'n a little honey on the stinger.

sounds like tman needs a nap. by the way i showed her that post you made. you are her new favorite on Asite. lol

and i guess i dont need to worry about grip'n it and rip'n it anymore.

Just don't show her any of your posts. Yeah I am feeling the high of exhaustion and first thing I hope to rig up an ash and pull it up and off. Got tons of pics coming but now my regular work is being put back by major hazzard trees from this storm. It nuts baby! I got a huge stand of locust with blown over stalks. I am taking em all out! I want to save the wood to make fence post.
Man I just met a hot mama, she was a single parent and I tried to give her a break and I did but she has some nasty silver maples about to let loose. Her son and his buddies wanted to give it a go on the 75 foot norway all cracked up and hanging over the house and wire. He thinks he wants all that wood! I will do what I can. But anyway, this mama was smoking, so hot I melted! And she knew it.
So the last few days and nights have been a welcome challenge but there is much more to come. I have been running around with both trucks driving across other peoples yards without asking for acess or to set up the winch for some nice pulls I have been making with my new stable braids and pulleys. I just hook the portawrap to the winch up sometimes so I can lower off the truck after a lift. One thing to mention is a PRUSSICK( a big one) should be used before the low pulley as a failsafe.
I was going to 1/2 16 strand for my good light duty pulley rope but the guys at Main line Mower had 200 feet of 1/2 stable rated around 10 K. That is what I have for my 3/4 200 foot bullrope, its twice as strong and the feel is nice. I don't put it in crotches AND they don't carry whipping line at that store. I wonder how those climbers around there keep the ends from unravelling. I would take a guess and say tape but that would have me vomiting from laughing to dam hard.
So what, maybe I should get some rest before I bogart a way in and a tree to set a pulley in so I can get this tree of this " guy who lives on a golf course" 's luxo mini mansion... by myself, by 9 am? I will take pics but if I mess up real bad don't count on seeing them.
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Yeah at some point a married man finds out who the prize truly
is! Everyone especially single blokes thinks the woman is the prize
but usually it is opposite. I would love to cook, clean house and
watch the tube and let her worry about the bills but it don't work
that way ya know!

I am sure she would love to hear that theory, just be ready to run!
I am sure she would love to hear that theory, just be ready to run!

My wife is finally begining to appreciate me, I can actually see a difference, either that or she just don't care anymore. Its win win for me!
But she has a full time job too. You bet! I ain't supporting some good for nothing. She is a research biologist at a big place. She takes her own money to the mall and buys her own shoes.
Actually I don't know what she buys but it usually ends up at the Goodwill or the land fill within a year. She bought a brand new old piece of wood that said " ANTIQUES"! She nailed it above the door with a brad into the plaster and it hit me on the head.
My mama was a women's libber so I say" Walk the walk honeypie". But now she always gets me to hang the pictures.
I am sure she would love to hear that theory, just be ready to run!

Actually she knows it and agrees but she usually has her own job
we have been working together for a while now and I want her
to find a good job with good benefits. If not she will continue to
help me and sure she bitc?es some but she is a good women.
I hope she can find her a good paying job with benefits so I don't
have to worry all the time about her health. I can usually keep
ahead of bills but have not got enough income to afford a good health
plan yet. I am the king of my casa, she knows that and I don't become
arrogant about things but she knows when I say this is the way its
gonna be to let it go. I grew up watching hen pecked men with no backbone I am not that guy.
A little too much, too soon though. For me anyway. It was a grand tour, it was, it was.:cheers:


just wanted you to see why i came home. it wasnt that bad of a pic. and i am all for an AS calender. lol

hey tman good luck with them tree's. and what are you going to do when that homeowner wants you to go inside her house so she can write you a check? lol. too late regarding her seeing my posts.

i guess rope wears the pants in his household huh?

just wanted you to see why i came home. it wasnt that bad of a pic. and i am all for an AS calender. lol

hey tman good luck with them tree's. and what are you going to do when that homeowner wants you to go inside her house so she can write you a check? lol. too late regarding her seeing my posts.

i guess rope wears the pants in his household huh?

Looks like a good reason to me! Are you gonna go back and work some more or was it a temporary deal?
Looks like a good reason to me! Are you gonna go back and work some more or was it a temporary deal?

went back today baby. it was good to see all them boys. i told the boss not to tell anyone i was coming back. it was good pulling back into the shop.

figures my first day back and we are taking down a monster silver maple with the crane. bucket and climbing. i was running my 660 in the tree today, and let me tell you it was good times for sure.

no pics though. and i am pissed. my backpack with all my **** and i mean all of it was grabbed out my truck saturday night. pissed.
went back today baby. it was good to see all them boys. i told the boss not to tell anyone i was coming back. it was good pulling back into the shop.

figures my first day back and we are taking down a monster silver maple with the crane. bucket and climbing. i was running my 660 in the tree today, and let me tell you it was good times for sure.

no pics though. and i am pissed. my backpack with all my **** and i mean all of it was grabbed out my truck saturday night. pissed.

Man that sucks probably good ya did not catch them though.
We always want to catch them but are really better if we don't!
I started to put a rattler in my tool box with a do not open warning
after four in six years were stolen.
soo oldirty is back home with his ollaidy? and some folk in alaska robbed ya?