Tree Freak
tman hit it on the head not too long ago. just like i had to go west i had to come back home. just to make sure i wasnt going to be missing out on the real deal.
One time I looked out of my window in Tucson at the highest peak in the mountains the surounded the town. The next morning I set off due north with a full days rations, rode my bike as far as I could then climbed up rocky cravasses through " jumping catus" and crusty shale to the top.
I ate those Ramen noddles and was prepared to stay up there all night, just to see if I could see, I ended up jabbing my knee with a pig pan catus but made it home to catch an episode of the A Team by 11 pm.
Some people say " you can't go home again" but I say " Why the F not?" Sometimes you have to build a home in order to leave it then come back to it but everybody can agree there is no place like it. Its a very good place to be.
By the way i lied about the peyote. While there may be no place like home there is also no place like being OUT in the desert.