One of THOSE People

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oh yeah

"It's a sub-culture but it's widespread. They believe they aren't the "mainstream" but they remind me of stepford wives there's so many of them. I wonder if they everthought about the volume of bottled water they consume may well dry the source of the springs in France? How's that for responsible green behavior?"

Perrier just opened a plant in central MI. 320,000 gallons of water per day. In lake MI you have to have a 120" dock to keep your boat off the rocks. it is the same water that comes out of my aquifer. I wonder if I could get $12 a gallon for it?
i don't get it they pay $45 to get an 1/8 of an acre of grass cut once a week but they won't pay to have a DEAD pine removed that is leaning right for their house!
Oakwilt makes me think we went to diffrent schools together or something!

His intelligent weave of both info and humor is awesome; kinda like the stuff he says about throwing off worries and being happy cuz he is climbing too.
That's just it!!!!

They pay for weekly lawn service and the ChemLawn dude four times sach summer but complain about a removal or pruning invoice!!

Oh yeah Cinco, I guess there's a couple three firearms about but I try not to use them. One of my buddies is a ballistics expert and he makes my hot loads, my garden also provides an energy source (hard to explain), and yes, my shirts are either 20 years old or free t-shirts from competitions. The neighbors are a close 1.5 miles down the road (getting a bit crowded here) but I still love people, just not too many at once.