no relining of chimney needed for JUCA because it's an open burn design. it's also open floor, retaining usage of existing firebrick, damper, gas fire starter and external ashe dump.
there's no sales tax and installation was a breeze. only thing I did was cut-off damper control arm and slide JUCA in. perfect fit! JUCA comes fully assembled. you specify blower on right or left side.
I did have to fab a new damper control rod. but that was pretty simple.
my JUCA firebox size is aprox. 12 cubic feet VS typical 3 cubic feet.
exterior of JUCA doesn't heat up much, due to heat exchanger design delivering heat to blower instead.
wood usage will veri by location/house size. there's a wood usage calculator on JUCA's site that factors all that in.
since I've not used JUCA a full season yet. can't give actual numbers. JUCA's calculator indicates 2.5 cords seasoned oak for 2,500 sf, NE Okla.
So I'm planning on 3.5 cords based upon 1/2 season usage last winter, hopefully it will be less.
I should have ducts installed by then, that will increase heat distribution. my house is one level ranch design.