Tree Freak
That wood was measured once it was stacked at the guys house. A 16" facecord is 1/3 of a full cord. This wood was 18"-20". I measure the wood I sell in my cordmaster, so yes it is a hopper of sorts, but not on this gig.
Now you got me cornfused. I remember seeing your cord master, yup a hopper. So you just fill up the hopper and that's a cord ? No stacking?
I am trying to figure so I can load up a proper cord properly without having to stack it. The whole cord thing is so far out there to me I just don't get it, maybe its just to simple like photobucket thanks again.
Anywway my point is that everybody's cord is somehow a little different due to slight variances and so on. If you would be so kind as to impart the dimesions of your cord master and proper operating guidlines I would be much in appreciation as I would like to not skimp anybody by accident.
As far as your pulley? Yeah, its to far away from the trunk. That pulley is not the kind you unscrew and then the upper pulley falls out is it?
This is tied with a 12 feet eye so it wraps around a few times but do you see how tight the pulley is to the tree?