Our work is pretty rough, actually.

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For those really tough days I hook myself up to the IV and the oxygen tank. Little clumsy to work in, but really keeps you going. :laugh:

Don't laugh to hard that you can't breathe but I had an oxygen tank I used to bring along. I would pull a snort out of it and I would feel a little refreshed Nowadays I just take my time... which is going pretty fast anyway.
Don't laugh to hard that you can't breathe but I had an oxygen tank I used to bring along. I would pull a snort out of it and I would feel a little refreshed Nowadays I just take my time... which is going pretty fast anyway.

Dan, 1st gear to you is Overdrive for most of us. And the worst work you've ever done was excellent!
Talking about the heat..

Average temp here at 1:00pm for the last few weeks has been 98. Heat index is around 108-112. I have found that carrying a few changes of clothing has helped tremendously- I usually go through 3 pair of jeans, 3-4 shirts and several pair of socks a day. Did a little studing on hydration, recommendations that I found were 12-15 ounces of water every 30 minutes with a ration of 2 water per 1 electrolyte replacement( gatoraid, poweraid, etc) I have also found that v-8 juice and canned pineapple slices do wonders for a little energy push in the afternoon. I also keep an I.V bag of 500ml normal saline in the event that I get severly dehydrated- some of the areas that we work in are very remote......

Yes and Believe it or not if you get cramped,,,, Pickle Juice will knock em out in a matter of seconds!!!!
Yeah that's my point, it's the generation that are born as US citizens that suck. I will say most, not all, cause I'm 27 and a lot of my generation sucks, but not near as bad as the current lineup. These kids don't know how to eat, dress, work, communicate, litteral zombies. With the lack of real fathers, queers on tv, and broken families, it's no wonder to me. Yeah I was a teenager too, but I always worked my a$$ off. I would screw up at times but it was my work ethic that kept it together.

I have a 1 1/2 year old that already helps me pick up brush and firewood. As a matter of fact, the kid is hanging off me right now, telling me to get outside and work. We have a trailer to move and a load of firewood to unload and mom's at work. I'm setting a bad example on this stupid computer, I know.

I know some young guys in town that come from broken homes, I put them to work and try to teach them what I can, but man it can be trying doing their fathers job. I got the one a .22 long rifle for small game hunting, and shooting, when he comes over we shoot at my 100 yard target behind my house. This is stuff a father should be doing.

May God Bless you son,,,,, You are doing it right,,,,,,

We do a horrible injustice to our youth by spoiling them,,,, and allowing the liberals you describe to raise kids,,,,,

They need to learn the value of a dollar,,,, and how to earn some instead of playing video games all day,,,,

It makes me feel good to see your post,,,, River Rep incoming!!!!! :rock: :rock: :rock:
Yes and Believe it or not if you get cramped,,,, Pickle Juice will knock em out in a matter of seconds!!!!

Hey I learned something today! That's a good tip. I always drink at least half the juice at the end of a quart of pickles. I never knew why, now I have a reason. Thanks for the rep.
I'll stay out of the immigration discussion, I have my opinions but this isn't the time or place.

Then when is the time or place? I for one would like to hear your opinions. I think our government takes a isn't the time or place stance on illegal immigration. It reminds me of a great big pile of sh!t that keeps building up by someones backdoor and the patriarch of the family says "We will deal with it later, this isn't the time or place." And later on the wife says "My God, Bob ,that pile of sh!t is coming into the house now." And Bob says "Marge, I told you this was not the time or place to talk about that big pile of sh!t. Go sprinkle something on it." Well enough of my analogies but the fact is the problem is serious enough that anytime and anyplace are suitable to discuss something that has become an issue that demands immediacy.

All I meant was that immigration wasn't the original topic of the thread and I don't want to hijack it.


Immigration is a tough one. Probably 99% of the people in the US are descended from immigrants, myself included. I live and work in a fairly rural area with a number of old mill towns as well and some high rent districts that provide most of our tree work. Most of the landscapers and tree companies use locally born people as employees. However, the farms, orchards, and stone quarries use almost exclusively Mexican and Central American labor. As you might guess, there is far less tree work and landscaping in the really rural areas and mill towns. Drive through the mill towns on a Tuesday at noon and take a look at all the local kids hanging out on the front porches. Drive through the same town on a Friday night and you'll see dozens of imported laborers driving, walking, and riding bikes.

Bottom line, the local kids won't work for the wages offered and I doubt they would work for a better wage. It's far easier to sit at home, drink beer, and reproduce. So the businesses bring in outside labor, almost all of it undocumented. Could they survive without the cheap labor? Damned if I know. Is it possible to get the local kids to work? Damned if I know.

So far the illegals haven't contributed much to crime rates, the locals take care of that. But they are starting to add burden to the school systems (which affects me directly) because I have 2 school age kids, and certainly the health care system. ICE doesn't care, we're too far from the border and there's still too few illegals to get their attention. Last year, one, driving an employer's truck, hit and killed a motorcyclist. ICE didn't take him. What really drives me nuts is that the employers know that their workers are illegal and don't care because there is absolutely no reprocussions for them.

I have no answers. I do think that employers should be held responsible for hiring illegals and should get hammered if they do. That doesn't address the question of where employers will get help though. But as long as someone can hire these people with no worries about legality, there's no incentive to hire either legal immigrants or local labor. But keep in mind that I'm not in an area where the tree care industry relies in immigrants for labor.

All I really know is that the present system is an abject failure and it's getting worse, rapidly.
For the other (ex)wrestlers out there, hit your closest jiu jitsu gym and take it up a notch - you won't regret it. Try to find a gym where the guys compete. Where I am at we mostly do the NAGA competitions, but a couple guys have been trying out for UFC and the UF show. It's a lot of fun and a lot of great people.

RE: immigrant workers: you know people who travel thousand of miles (in my location anyway) are ready and able to work hard. They always do here. Can't speak for others.
Yeah that's my point, it's the generation that are born as US citizens that suck. I will say most, not all, cause I'm 27 and a lot of my generation sucks, but not near as bad as the current lineup. These kids don't know how to eat, dress, work, communicate, litteral zombies. With the lack of real fathers, queers on tv, and broken families, it's no wonder to me. Yeah I was a teenager too, but I always worked my a$$ off. I would screw up at times but it was my work ethic that kept it together.

I have a 1 1/2 year old that already helps me pick up brush and firewood. As a matter of fact, the kid is hanging off me right now, telling me to get outside and work. We have a trailer to move and a load of firewood to unload and mom's at work. I'm setting a bad example on this stupid computer, I know.

I know some young guys in town that come from broken homes, I put them to work and try to teach them what I can, but man it can be trying doing their fathers job. I got the one a .22 long rifle for small game hunting, and shooting, when he comes over we shoot at my 100 yard target behind my house. This is stuff a father should be doing.

Right On! That's what I'm talking about - even though I am a liberal (not the kind ur used to though!!!)

I just took my 1 1/2 year old over to see the chipper today. He wanted to see it earlier when it was running. When I started to turn it over he started to yell "BEAST, BEAST". That's what he calls all big power equipment, even shop vacs and my makita saw etc, it's hilarious.
For the other (ex)wrestlers out there, hit your closest jiu jitsu gym and take it up a notch - you won't regret it. Try to find a gym where the guys compete. Where I am at we mostly do the NAGA competitions, but a couple guys have been trying out for UFC and the UF show. It's a lot of fun and a lot of great people.

RE: immigrant workers: you know people who travel thousand of miles (in my location anyway) are ready and able to work hard. They always do here. Can't speak for others.

I miss wrestling alot. That jiu jitsu sound like some pretty fun stuff if I had the time to get into it. The one thing I don't miss about wrestling was cutting weight. I've gained 65 pounds since HS and not a whole lot of fat. How much weight have some of you other wrestlers gained?
I beat anorexia!!

I have to say i was pretty not impressed with what the KIDS would do to be on weight. Iam even less impressed by what the coaches would LET them do. " don't eat or drink all day" Yep, that's how you do it.
The one guy was running the halls in a rubber suit to drop weight but all he dropped was himself. When he got back from the hospital his parents tried to sue the school. I am talking 7th grade here and they gave him a hall pass.
I ran hurdles and pole vaulted, pretty much sucked at anything else. When I got walked in baseball I started to WALK to first base.
Since you cats have wrestling on the brain I will tell my little wrestling story. I wrestled in high school. I was six four and about 240 then. When I was 20 I was around 255 and worked out when I could but that wasn't too often. I met some guys at the old Brack's gym in Dallas that said I should "audition" at the sportatorium and might land a wrestling job, who knows.They had the phone number to call. I would have dismissed it but a buddy of mine, Virgil Zatarain, was with me and he was more interested than I was. Virgil is a biggun, six seven and probably 270 then but all muscle. I had a little fat on me. We met with a promoter and he said well there are a lot of guys trying to get in this business but to leave our numbers. Believe it or not we both got called but nothing ever really developed. Guess that wasn't our destiny.
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Wrestled at 121 as a senior, weigh in at 160 now. Not a lot of fat but that 2nd beer in the evening isn't helping matters. I was one of the guys who was always trying to make weight, spitting, diuretics, rubber suits. By the time I could make weight, I was pretty weak but it was my only real chance to wrestle varsity because the guy at 128 was pretty good and I only beat him for his spot once.
