361 Junkie
OWB smoke...
I find this argument and all the political flap about it anoying. Particularly as we have a Central Boiler unit here and it smokes far less than any of the anti OWB ads and photos (which seem to be a lot of steam from burning green wood or people burning tires in them or something). When the damper is closed the CB hardly puts out any smoke at all. When the damper is open, it smokes far less than our fancy new indoor EPA certified outside-air supply fireplace complete with all sorst of fancy stickers and labels. BTW: The EPA fireplace is virtually USELESS for heating. It is for asthetics only...
I do not see how the particulate emissions matter whan the CB is far more efficient in heating our house. I tried to heat our house with the fireplace alone last year. I burned 4 times as much wood and it still did not heat the house as well as the boiler with the hydronic floor circulation system. So how is 4x the wood burned in the EPA fireplace better than 1/4 the wood in a OWB?
Oh, howelling, but but but the OWB is as evil as Saddam Hussain it seems...
I find this argument and all the political flap about it anoying. Particularly as we have a Central Boiler unit here and it smokes far less than any of the anti OWB ads and photos (which seem to be a lot of steam from burning green wood or people burning tires in them or something). When the damper is closed the CB hardly puts out any smoke at all. When the damper is open, it smokes far less than our fancy new indoor EPA certified outside-air supply fireplace complete with all sorst of fancy stickers and labels. BTW: The EPA fireplace is virtually USELESS for heating. It is for asthetics only...
I do not see how the particulate emissions matter whan the CB is far more efficient in heating our house. I tried to heat our house with the fireplace alone last year. I burned 4 times as much wood and it still did not heat the house as well as the boiler with the hydronic floor circulation system. So how is 4x the wood burned in the EPA fireplace better than 1/4 the wood in a OWB?
Oh, howelling, but but but the OWB is as evil as Saddam Hussain it seems...