OWB problem with how it runs

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ArboristSite Operative
Sep 11, 2008
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I posted another thread a short while ago, regarding this OWB, and it not wanting to shut off by the thermostat, and the blower running for hours on end.
Well hubby asked some questions to a co worker with the same brand of furnace, and ended up resetting the temperature on the furnace. Supposed to be 185 and it wasn't. So after he did that, the damper started working, and you could hear it running, etc. Where previously, it was not working hardly at all, and building creosote badly.
Monday after he went to work, I realized the blower was doing the same thing again.....running and running for hours. I shut down the blower, and
turned it back on again. I was checking out the zone valve and ended up
tapping it with my fingers. For whatever reason/s, the furnace then decided to run the best it has yet....tuesday , wednesday, and half of thursday. I went to run errands this afternoon, and when I got home, I came to the big conclusion, the blower was doing it again....running and not stopping.
I tried turning down the thermostat, and no. When hubby got home, he
shut the OWB down outside.
So we are brainstorming and wondering why, it ran so good for 2.5 days, and now it acting stupid again. Only thing I can think, the zone valve is possesed by the devil.
When I say blower, I mean the blower on the old propane furnace where the heat exchanger sits under it for the OWB.

I hope normal for this OWB is how it ran for the last few days. I kept track of it by the clock to see what it's pattern was. It was like 30 degrees outside, and the inside temperature was set at 64. The blower would run like 26 to 29 minutes on, and then off for like 22 to 25. I kept track for like 3 hours the last 2 days.
The dealer is supposed to be stopping by sometime soon, but hasn't found the time yet, and it is getting downright old. He did say he has a zone valve already in his vehicle for us.
Yes Lady...don't forget what I had told you before!!....my furnace blower runs dependant on the t-stat setting, mostly 5 min. or so....
Well I got ahold of the dealer yesterday afternoon, and he was busy, but I very politely let him know how frustrated we were with our set up, and to please let me know when he would be able to make a apperance here.
He called back after a bit, and it was like 7:30 pm when he got here.

He said our setup was correct, and did agree, that it was not right, that
the blower would not shut off by itself, or by lowering the thermostat
setting on the wall. He did replace the zone valve. Now it does shut
off as it should and will turn off if the thermostat temp is lowered.
Not 100 % sure if our problem is solved but it does look more promising.

He left wearing one of my crocheted camouflage beanie hats that I
just started making this fall. I have been making hats for the grandkids.
I fiqured a few to sell would be a good thing. I gave him my website
url. He thinks he will be wanting a custom made one, with some type of
ear flaps or a helmet type style. I need something to do at home to make money, while I babysit this furnace :)

oops.......spoke to soon ......now the thermostat won't shut it
off again..........really big sigh.......
it was working so well last night too.......
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