Oxman Kickin A$$ at 125ft

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Down in South Florida, Broward County, Burrowing Owls have been mysteriously killed on property some hot shot developer wants to build on.This type of crap is happening everwhere you look these days.

Trees, Burrowing Owls, frogs, you name it,they are the real victims.

Leave it to the political system and the greedy to slice and dice up whats left of the wilderness.

Like Tom Dunlap pointed out, the real rewards come from knowing that you are helping the planet a little bit at a time.

:Eye: :Eye:
The question was, does an arborist care for trees? that's what the dictionary says, so that's the definition I'll go with. Whoever the tree sitters were, they were peaceful. Whoever the guys who took em down (the photos told the story) were, they were not acting as arborists.

If someone climbs to whack trees without rhyme or reason, or climbs to whore for themselves out to pay cop, they are not acting as arborists.

I got a scar across my forehead (goodbye, modeling career) from a billy club in Chicago in 1968 when I and many others rioted against the war in Vietnam. The cops were hot because some of us were throwing baggies of excrement at them. That wan't nice, I admit.

If I met the cop who hit me today I'd shake his hand--no hard feelings, we were both doing what we had to do. If I'd been protesting in a tree in Grant Park instead of on the ground and I got hit by a mercenary--I'd p*&^ on his grave.

Tree-climbing skill is a gift from the Creator, meant to be used to tend for Creation--the trees, like an arborist by definition does. Otherwise you might go from evicting tree-sitters to--what? Climbing the Sears Tower with Bud Light written on your back?
A scar? Gee... You got off easy. Did you happen to send out care packages to the thousands of troops while you were protesting? Did it occur to you your efforts were misplaced? Thanks for your support.
Care packages?

That's great support. How about helping them in about another two years NETREE. That's about the right time frame when discharged vets will begin organizing en masse to address the denials from DoD and the VA on delayed health effects from in-country service. Been there done that.

It'll be something like this...thousands of claims will be made for better testing and diagnostics to explain a host of ailments from loss of apetite to sleep apnea, sexual disfunction and skin rashes, inability to concentrate and bowel disorders, birth defects in fetuses concieved since returns, heart palpitations and several cancers of the spleen, digestive system, and blood.

Epidemiologies from other countries will implicate exposures to radiologic substances yet Pentagon officials will deny any such exposures took place. The White House will further deny any such claims. "Foreign" science will be questioned, corporate science will prevail. The same science that industry has the authorship for, the same science that tells us releases from nuke plants are "safe".

Recent changes in permanent VA policies will further exacerbate the mounting complaints by pointing out the right of denial and refusal to legally treat service-connected maladies - claiments will grow increasingly upset, the one's with enough determination remaining anyway, and the Corporate media will purposfully soften coverage of the growing discontent - unaware Americans will hear little - if anything - of the situation.

Angry vets will seek support from the traditional vet's rights organizations but will find little support because leadership is slighted towards prior issues unresolved, told to "get in line" and the Iraq conflict was not a "war" as we know them. Discontent grows, some vets seek justice in the streets finding law enforcement enforcing new "National Security" mandates prohibit organizing and demonstrating against policy, etc. etc.

Law enforcement is called, private riot control tactics are utilized and heads get bashed, corporate media sensationalizing the conflicts slighting the reports in favor of law and order, vet's loosing emotional support among their American brothern in the process. Escalation and more refusals from Administration to accept responsibility and soundbites of radical anarcistic vets going nuts gain support for more law and order....vets filing lawsuits but tort reform placing barriers on redress, the flags flying in favor of the President and Congress....vet's lose again. More amger, escalation.

Heads get bashed. Private cops are called, phones are tapped, and issue leaders are targeted.

Where are you? Behind the President or behind the vets? Will you send a care package then NETREE?

It's happened before. You didn't learn did you?

When it does hit the streets because America can't resolve it's own "blowback" consequences - I for one will exercise patriotism and help those brothers bash-in the heads of the storm troopers in black, ripping the flag back from the hands of the real enemy - the new American order. Who's side will you be on? Fox news?
Been there, done that myself; and I still can see the line between "civil disobediance" and slinging **** at people who are just doing their jobs themselves. Activists can do alot of good, but they have to know where the line between helping and hurting their cause lies. Do you propose that shooting up abortion clinics is okay? Puh-lease....Answering dirty tactics with even dirtier ones only makes your cause look all the more retarded. Frankly, I'd rather draw the media to the topic of veterans' benefits in a manner that doesn't make us look like a bunch of ticked off hoodlums.

And speaking of toilet paper and care packages, you can't imagine how nice good ole Charmin feels compared to the six square inches of sandpaper in those MRE's....:D
We always brought a half roll with us from off ship, use the MRE stuff as snotrags. I was lucky, I been off the cost of numerouse "problem contries" but never had to shoot at another person.

I know a number of the people who were with OX doing those jobs. All loggers and arbo's. Good people all.The way they look at it is that these protestors are up there on inferior equipment. The trees will be cut no matter what. They are some of the best qualified people on the west coast to do this type of work in a safe fashion.

A few vidcaps of a struggle do not convince me anyone was acting in a dishonorable way.
This story is a huge black eye for our industry.
Anyone who would hurt the cause, that the tree sitters are trying to bring public, is no freaking arborist, just a whore.
Don't try to drag war, abortion, or the safety of the tree sitters into this. This is big money screwing big trees. Some of our best climbers, helping cut these trees, is sick. Even if you could prove that cutting these trees would not hurt the environment, that they would not be missed by anyone, that they have more value as a bunch of chaise lounges or fancy decks on some millionaires mansion, these guys are on the wrong side of the cause, period. I hope they get their little pile of money from the lumber company and languish in their own hot treeless desert of greed.

:( :( :(

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