We 'Tri-age' Palms.
Sum, wee can ladder right up.
Sum, wee may use gaffs from the ladder up a few feet.
Sum, wee get a small bucket.
Sum, wee pass on!
Some wee use slings to stair up.
Some times wee use this 'etriers' (?); from mountain climbing books; only a lil'diffrent (of course!). Use stiff line (so the loops stay open!) and make a run of lineman's knots for stairs. Stand at top of ladder with lanyard on, usually spikes just in case. Choke a sling in as high as you can; hang the 'etriers'; walk-up to top of 'etriers'; lanyard still on. Pick up tail of 'etriers; hang it as high as possible; undo first choker, walk-up............ Works for a couple of rounds!
Rob Dawg taught me to put in something like a friction saver around palm stalk; that the rings don't quite reach around fully; lace line through this retrievable anchor to descend!
I can see where sum 'dead' could protect the head, and not to scar the stalk; but to my ex-peer-ience; dead loose tissue on the stalk base seems to harbour dampness, insects and fungus; just like any other dead material against a tree! Even more so in the more tropical regions that palms in-habitate. These can even get into homes etc. especially in shadier, damper places. Worst down'ere is these dang 'palmetto bugs'(kinda like a 1/2 ounce cockroach!); indeed sometimes you would think that they are the state bird! Very nasty; and love loose material on palms to frolic in!