Paying Your Crew?

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ArboristSite Operative
Jan 23, 2005
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Baraboo wisconsin
What would you pay a Guy To Run your buckett truck, Grind stumps, & Pick up Limbs Ext Or would you be better off to hire a Guy for each Thing and if so what would be the Proper Pay Aday? Thank you My Tree Brothers.
Seth,,if this is in reference to your upcoming move,most top men,in this area,is around $15 to $22,per hour,bucket flier.Columbus would be higher.Good climbers,of course,would be worth more.Groundies,perhaps $10 to $12,depending on quals[drivers license etc].Most figure on $150 to $200 per hr,3 man crew ,bucket.A bucket crew should bring in about $1000 per day.A climbing crew of course ,should bring in more than that ,'cause not every Tom,Dick and Harry,can do that work.My little bud Tom,is going to start a 2 crew operation,bucket and climbers.
IMO you're better off with a guy for the tree work and another for the grunt work. That would depend on your work load though.

A good bucketman is hard to come by and is wasted out running a stumper, in fact a lot of small guys will do the grinding themselves, and mix it in with their bid work.

Woops,sorry,you aren't seth

I think that's Lee :)
I like grinding the stumps Cause when your on a job 9 times out of 10 somebodys going to drive past and see you out there and give you another job and its good that you talk to them instead of one of your crew
I sold my bucket several years ago after I gave up the hotel, hospital and bank contracts I had. They wanted me to carry $2M in insurance and the cost for that was more than their contracts were worth to me. I focused more on residential work (only about 20% commercial now) and I like it better. Instant payment, get tips, lunches and drinks often and less liability exposure. The hotel contracts were the highest risk with all the tourists who seemed to leave their risk awareness at home. Roped off areas with signs that said DO NOT ENTER, TREE WORKERS ABOVE, plus falling branches and running chain saws did not faze these brave souls who walked right through the drop zone. Anyway, getting back on track, I pay my climber $37.50 an hour and my groundman $12.50 an hour. He can also trim coco palms and I pay him $18 an hour when he does. I pay myself, ah, let's say a little more than these guys.

The year after I gave the big commercial contracts up and took on more residential, my gross for the year went up $10K.
I would pay him as little as possible. If I found a guy who could run the machine efficiently without damaging things and was willing to work for min. wage, he would be the man I would hire. Being realistic, I would say $15 an hour should get you somebody good. I try to make $150 an hour grinding stumps and that is my min. charge to grind any stump, unless I was the one who took down the tree, then my min. is $75.00.
Ekka said:
Spoken like a true business man Koa.

So, out of the blue Stumped 4 Life is back with his 10 million questions of incompetance ... one day he might actually give this site something worthwhile.

Frankly Stumped 4 Life, if you were my brother I'd seek adoption.

Why be hating? Will something good come out of it? :alien:
Too true Butch. Constructive critisism is all fine, but when you express your dislike for another person it makes the whole board look bad.

Or as Butch might put it "spreads negative vibes"
id like to here some pay scales for down here in the deep south tennessee and alabama .... [not atlanta georgia though been there ,the pay is awesome traffic sux ]
hey, on criticizing the questionaire. i ask stupid questions, and sometimesi look stiupid for asking them. i know that when a new guy starts, i will already have the answer for him so that he does not have to waste the boss' time. i find it good for training guys
Iv said it before and i'm going To say it again if i don't ask questions i'm Never going To Know the answer "The only thing that comes to a sleeping man is dreams" :)