Spikeless oak carnage.. really is a bummer for the trees!
View attachment 209397
View attachment 209397
Didn't get many pics this year. I was busy all year though.
Here's one:
[/QUOTE]nice pics guys keep em coming209152[/ATTACH]
Good thing they added the handgun option to the package, its got to be much easier to use than the Chinese made 2x4 they used to supply. I guess you only need one at that range but how many bullets does it come with?
I was working on a real kicker just last weak. This is how all that went down. :alien2:
I was working on a real kicker just last weak. This is how all that went down. :alien2:
I was working on a real kicker just last weak. This is how all that went down. :alien2:
I was working on a real kicker just last weak. This is how all that went down. :alien2: