Sweet case! I have been meaning to get over to Northern to see what they have. I told my wife that I wanted the 36" Alaskan mill from there for my b-day. Definitely will check out the wedges while I'm there. Can never have too many

. I am overall extremely happy with my saw and will probably pick up another one from them. Btw, what model/brand b/c did you get and where did you purchase it? Thanks!
Here are some coupon codes for Northern.
157209 - expires 04/06/2013
$20 off a purchase of $100 or more
157210 - expires 04/06/2013
$5 off a purchase of $15 or more
They expire today though. They work online and they do work in the store but you have to convince the cashier to let you use them. I really like the case. If it were only a half inch bigger in every internal dimension it would be perfect.
I ordered a new 24" Sugihara hard nose bar off of ebay for 61 dollars shipped. I don't cut a whole lot(yet) so the bar should outlast me, a roller tip would be nice but I don't know if I can justify another 100 dollars they want for one in that brand. I"ll have to watch bailey's closeouts and see if I can score a 28-32" for a good price. I haven't picked up a chain yet for the new bar, i'll wait until the local hardware store/stihl dealer has their 20% off bag sale to pick up some loops of stihl chain
Last night i goofed around with my Ryobi and slotted the heads on the carb screws. Then I did a muffler mod(my first) to it this morning and took both saws out to play. They Ryobi seemed pretty easy to dial in. The Makita was giving me some troubles. I'm not a pro by any means so I tried to error on the side of rich rather than lean. After a bit of cutting I pulled the plug to check it out. It looked like it was running a bit rich which i figured was good for break in. Then i noticed that the electrode was almost touching the tip. They must have dropped the plug while assembling the engine and didn't adjust the gap. I adjusted the gap, put it in & the saw seemed to pick up some RPM as the chain would now spin at idle. After fixing up the plug it seemed a bit more responsive to carb adjustments and it ran and idled a lot better. I still tried to error on the side of being rich(i hope). I might try to find somebody local that has a bit more experience than me to check it out.
Right now i have the low side out 2 1/4 turns. The high side is out about 2 1/2, I think I can hear it 4 stroking right when I start on a log, then it cleans up, and then it starts stroking again towards the botttom. As I said I'm not very experienced in tuning 2 strokes. I'm used to 4 strokes where i can use a vacuum gauge to dial in the timing and carb. I did have it stall out a few times right when i was done with a cut and left of the gas. Could that mean it have the idle set to low or rich? The factory settings according to the service manual are 1 turn out on the low and 1 1/8 on the high so I don't think it would be stalling because it's lean...
I peaked in the spark plug hole when i had the plug out. I saw what looked like a few light scratches. I couldn't feel them with my screwdriver so I hope they're not a big deal. I'm a big guy and can barely pull the rope by hand without the compression release activated so it feels strong compression wise. As nice as it was to have the work done by somebody else I kind of wish I could have done it myself to make sure everything was spotless during assembly.
Overall I'm pretty happy.