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Just about sealing the deal on my new used BB 250xp as we speak, now ther is a chipper-of course I'm in just a little bit deeper as well. Having gotten 12 years out of the old 200+ I guess its just the cost of buisiness I suppose, I'm keeping the old bandit as its lighter on lawns and still works good-unless one of you wants it??
Just about sealing the deal on my new used BB 250xp as we speak, now ther is a chipper-of course I'm in just a little bit deeper as well. Having gotten 12 years out of the old 200+ I guess its just the cost of buisiness I suppose, I'm keeping the old bandit as its lighter on lawns and still works good-unless one of you wants it??
Here is the one going up next week
1995 Tree Bandit 1400 Chipper; SN 002089; 3,992 Hours showing - not guaranteed; 5.9L Diesel; 12-16.5LT Tires; Was running when taken out of service.
It is at 2500.00
The one I'm buying is a bandit 250xp with about 1500 hrs on it, it has the JD 125 turbo diesel, winch, autofeed, hyd chute and it a 2004. 18500 with tax, seems like a good deal as I know it was seriously worked but also very well maintained. I also just saw a 1590 in the tree trader, I think it was a 2005 with the same motor and a winch 900 hrs for 22000, looks like a good deal as well, but I worked with these guys and so I know how they do things and take care of stuff-plus I like a proven machine and the disk chippers eat wood better/have been around forever. Does that sound like a good deal to you guys? the 250?
Now here is one up in 10 days. It is at 20,000.00
2001 Bandit Smoracy 3680 Beast Tub Wood Chipper; SN 001370; M11-C400 Cummins Diesel; 31580R22.5 Tires; Was running when taken out of service; BAD BATTERIES; HAS HORIZONTAL GRINDER.
It is more of a stationery chipper, it would be good for the big boys.
In Lubbock Texas
The one I'm buying is a bandit 250xp with about 1500 hrs on it, it has the JD 125 turbo diesel, winch, autofeed, hyd chute and it a 2004. 18500 with tax, seems like a good deal as I know it was seriously worked but also very well maintained. I also just saw a 1590 in the tree trader, I think it was a 2005 with the same motor and a winch 900 hrs for 22000, looks like a good deal as well, but I worked with these guys and so I know how they do things and take care of stuff-plus I like a proven machine and the disk chippers eat wood better/have been around forever. Does that sound like a good deal to you guys? the 250?

Sounds like a fair price! those 250xp"s are great little chipper's. The winch is priceless I would never own another machine with out one.
What is a fair price for a Olathe with a 4 cyl. Ford diesel. 950 hours & burnt clutch.
On a single axle trailer? Model 986
There is one for sale here, it looks clean.

Worth what ever someone is willing to pay! I saw one at an equipment
dealer old in working condition they were asking 4500.00 it did sell but
don't know the amount they got for it. If the motor is in good shape
the clutch is merely a days time and materials to repair. A diesel is
more expensive but should last longer with goo maintenance. I would
check the bearings on the rotor as well they are no fun to replace.
I got lucky and got my old chipper I used at my old employer so I knew
what I was buying. I also got it for a song because everyone went for the
bandits and vermeers and bids stayed fairly low on my whisper:monkey:

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