PM Rocket:
Hi John. You definately should have enough parts to completely restore that PM Rocket to nearly new condition. That would be sweet. Did you get my PM? Might take a little longer than a week to completely go through the saw though. Took me a couple months to go through mine and get what parts I needed to complte it. Still need a chain, drive sprocket, fuel shut off valve and bar oil cap to get her so that she could be demonsstratie at some time. Mine runs well as is. What's your S/N? Tne number on my saw is: R 1870, seems like a fairly low number, but don't know for sure how many of the K-1 sseries saws were made in 1953. Talk to you later. Lewis.
To MB. Yes, she's an odd looking saw. Don't plan on running her much, has a belt reduction system of about 3/1. The serpentine looking belt looks new, no missing teeth, cracks, etc. If it were to break, I doupt that one could be found, usless John had one in his parts inventory. If he does he might want to put away for his saw. What I like about it, is the fact you can fuel her up and she'll always start on the first or second pull. Which has surprized some I've showen the saw to. OK, you take care also. Lewis.