On another video he has of a 261 with a 28 inch "short" bar:
He has this to say (he knows everything being one of them thar timber fellers, and all you arborist goons making all the comments and complaints about his videos do not know doodly squat!):
WARNING! Never one hand a saw as you may see me doing at times, especially with these short bars as it can kill you, an experienced timber feller knows how and when to do things safely that will only kill you.
Kickback: Short bars are more deadly than long bars, and the most critical important advise I can offer is have a death grip on the pistol of any saw, it's when you lose that pistol grip that the saw can spin around on the handle bars and cut you open, the handle bars often work against you, when you lose control of the rear pistol grip the saw will pivot on your other hand holding the handle bars, your hand works like a bearing for the saw to spin around on, short bars can spin around and cut you open in milliseconds when you lose control of the rear pistol grip. We get a lot of comments from well meaning arborist who don't like us one handing saws, timber fellers one hand saws all the time, It's the pistol grip on saws that must be controlled at all times, all said we recommend you have a firm grip with both hands. Felling dogs help immensely to control kickback,