Ran another pressure/vacuum test on the saw today. Waited 48 hours for the Motoseal to cure at room temp, figured that would be good enough.
I was able to actually pump the crankcase up to 7-8psi but it did leak down slowly. The flywheel side seems to be fine, no issues there that I could tell. However, the clutch side seal now leaks. I think previously, the flywheel side leak was so bad that all the air just rushed out of that leak and there wasn't enough pressure to push out any bubbles on the clutch side. Either that or from shifting the crankshaft around slightly it tore/ruptured the old seal. Either way, that seal is bad, so I'll have to replace that one before I put the saw back together.
I looked online for a bit and found some different approaches to remove and replace that seal. I'm not a big fan of drilling into the seal and putting a screw in there, though I could see how that could work. I'm just afraid I'll end up going through the seal and into the main bearing.
I found a couple videos online where guys use a little screwdriver looking puller that slides between the crankshaft and seal and pulls up on the inner lip of the seal. Then you tighten the adjustment on the handle of the screwdriver and sort of use it as a fulcrum/lever to lift the deal out without damaging the crankshaft or recessed area the seal sits in. Of course I don't have one of those, so I'll have to buy/order one if I go that route.
I've seen other threads where guys modify a flathead screwdriver to have a little hook on the end and then slide that under the seal lip and use a socket slipped on the screwdriver shaft as a slide hammer to knock it out that way.
Any tips on how to remove this seal and install the new one without damaging the crankshaft or bearings? What method has worked best for you guys? This is my first time doing a seal like this one (the flywheel side one was different than this one).
Here's a quick video of the clutch side seal failing the pressure test...