I just went back out and put the carb back on the saw. Brought it outside and fired it up. Started within a couple pulls and idled great. Revved it up and it revved good. Revved it up to full throttle and it revved up pretty good without any issue. Ran good and idled for a while. I made a few adjustments and it ran fine.
Then, just like last time, as it was sitting there idling after it had gotten warmed up, you could hear the tone of the engine change. Almost sounded like it was running leaner or something. I tried to rev it up and it just bogged down. It idled for a bit and then got worse and then eventually it started to stumble and crapped out on its own. Same thing it did just a few hours earlier today.
Sure seems like it's ignition related. If it were the carb, why would it run fine at first and then run crappy and die out? It would just run like crap all the time.
It starts to run rough and die when it gets warmed up. Must be that condenser or coil failing. It's probably all the original stuff from 60 years ago.
I'll find a condenser first and if that doesn't work then I'll look into getting a new coil. At some point this thing has to run right haha!