Tonight I had a chance to get my old Pioneer chainsaw going and that I did. I have a bit more work to do, but I now have a question regarding the oil mixture. When I bought it last weekend, I noticed on the saw, one of the previous owners wrote 16:1 mixture. As I am unsure of exact model, as the recoil has a P26 decal, chain cover has a 1074 decal, and air filter cover has P25 decal, they all use the same 16:1 mixture as I found specs of all 3 online. After running it today on my dads sawhorse, there was a LOT of excess fuel/oil mix left on the sawhorse where the exhaust exits. The saw does smoke a fair bit as well when running, and I am thinking due to the rich mixture. I just mixed fresh fuel and used Poulan synthetic oil at 16:1 as specified. If this is the case, is it safe to run a mixture a bit leaner, and if so, what would be a good mix? This is by no means a good saw of mine, but rather just something I might use once or twice a year for a few cuts. Thank you.